Dr. Peter Bingham - Associate Professor of Neurology, UVM - Biographical Sketch

My research and philosophy as a pediatric neurologist centers on the use of empowering, preventive, patient-centered approaches to optimizing health in what might be considered intractable medical problems. This approach has often involved creating bridges that bring assets of one discipline to the problems of another in novel ways. Ultimately, excellent health requires clinicians be equipped with tools to facilitate behavior change - learning - in their patients. New clinical skills, and new tools, are required of clinicians who would assist patients in acquiring the habits that serve disease selfmanagement. My interest in neuro-rehabilitation began during my fellowship in neuromuscular diseases with a Pearson Award from the Muscular Dystrophy Association at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where I saw the health impacts of restrictive lung disease in patients with paralysis. It continued in my research in behavioral neonatal neurology in Philadelphia and later in Vermont, where I developed techniques for the assessment and promotion of feeding skills in premature infants under an RO1 grant. With support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and through collaborations with pulmonologists, physiologists, engineers, psychologists, and game designers over the past 5 years, my work has demonstrated a novel type of learning through the use of breath controlled digital games with numerous potential applications for individuals with asthma, cystic fibrosis, and other chronic lung diseases. The present proposal builds upon my interest in neurorehabilitation, and I expect that this work will ultimately benefit a diverse range of both pediatric and adult patients. As a result of EPSCoR grant support I am developing further collaborative, cross-disciplinary studies of the value of feedback training for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea.