
UVM Launches New Summer Research Program For Students

Mon, 02/03/2014 - 18:10

UVM Launches New Summer Research Program For Students
UVM News
“We have problems with harmful algal blooms and nutrient loading into the lake which many people are aware of,” says Jason Stockwell, director of UVM's Rubenstein Ecosystem Science Laboratory and the lead investigator of the new summer program.

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WANTED: Graduate Fellow for Start-ups @ VCET - vt.Buzz (blog)

Fri, 01/24/2014 - 05:31

WANTED: Graduate Fellow for Start-ups @ VCET
vt.Buzz (blog)
Through its partnership with Vermont EPSCoR, the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) is pleased to offer a Graduate Fellowship opportunity to an exceptional individual(s) starting February 2014. The Fellow acts as a core member of the ...

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2014-01-17 - Policy & Governance Meeting in Montelier December 13th, 2013

Fri, 01/03/2014 - 20:32
The RACC Policy and Governance Team (Q3) has been working on developing an agent-based model of water quality management in the Lake Champlain Basin. On December 13th, 2013, the Team invited a range of representatives from Vermont’s state agencies to attend a focus group about this modeling effort. Representatives of the Department of Environmental Conservation; Agency of Agriculture, Farms, and Markets; Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, and the US Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service were able to attend.
Categories: Latest News

2014-01-10 - Supporting the Writing and Communications Skills of Emerging Scientists workshop held January 8, 2014

Fri, 01/03/2014 - 20:32
Drs. Susanmarie Harrington, Director of Writing in the Disciplines and Professor of English at UVM and Lisa Emerson, Associate Professor in the School of English and Media Studies at Massey University, New Zealand, and visiting Fulbright Senior Scholar presented a workshop to RACC graduate students and post-doctoral associates on January 8, 2014 at the Vermont EPSCoR Interdisciplinary Research Space, 23 Mansfield Avenue Conference Room.
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Towns wary of cost of proposed roadway erosion control permit program -

Sun, 12/22/2013 - 12:28

Towns wary of cost of proposed roadway erosion control permit program
Comments should be sent to Kari Dolan, manager of the department's Ecosystem Restoration Program (email: The EPA will issue a final TMDL plan by next summer when the state will then begin the necessary work to implement a ...

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2013-12-20 - NSF Highlights: Asim Zia, RACC Team Leader - Mitigating Coastal Storm Destruction

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 08:52
Research by Asim Zia of the University of Vermont indicates that coastal communities need to reevaluate land-use policies to help combat the effects of global climate change. Zia reported his findings in his paper, "Land Use Adaptation to Climate Change: Economic Damages from Land-Falling Hurricanes in the Atlantic and Gulf States of the USA, 1900-2005." The research emphasized that global warming increases the intensity of land-falling hurricanes and necessitates a societal shift in coastal housing density and commercial use to help mitigate the economic impact of hurricane damage.
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2013-12-20 - NSF Highlights: Elise Huntley, Streams Project High School Intern

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 08:52
Tropical storm Irene devastated Beaver Brook in Wilmington, Vt. To repair surrounding land, recovery dredging was needed. Elise Huntley, a Streams Project high school intern with Vermont EPSCOR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research), took the opportunity to study the impact of hurricanes and their subsequent flood events on water quality. She discovered that these events do not adversely affect water quality and overall recovery of Vermont streambeds.
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Smitten with a start-up -

Thu, 12/19/2013 - 08:52

Smitten with a start-up
Beginning with its first investment in May 2010, VCET's Vermont Seed Capital Fund LP has invested a total of $2.2 million to date. The investment per company ranged from $60,000 to $250,000, with an average of $157,045 invested per company.

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2013-12-16 - RACC High School Teachers Present at the AGU Fall Meeting Dec 9, 2013

Sat, 11/30/2013 - 00:02
RACC high school teachers Tom Lane (Bellows Free Academy, Fairfax) and Kara Lenorovitz (Colchester High School) attended and presented at the AGU annual meeting in San Francisco December 9-13th. Tom and Kara prepared a poster describing their professional development experience through participating in the RACC high school program for the past two and four years, respectively. At the conference Tom and Kara also participated in a two-day workshop for teachers to enhance their geosciences content knowledge, and learned about current climate science through the sessions they attended. "Lots of firsts for me" and "I learned a ton!" were some of their take away sentiments. "Attending AGU has been one of the most stimulating experiences in my science teaching career. I hope to transfer this excitement of being at the cutting edge of science communication to my students." – Tom Lane.

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2013-11-27 - U.S. News Ranks UVM Among Top 10 Best National Universities for Veterans

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 22:06
In a list by U.S. News ranking the best colleges and universities for veterans, UVM places 10th among 52 top national universities that offer benefits to men and women returning from service. The university’s career center, which can help veterans translate their military experience to a civilian resume, and the Veterans Collaboration Organization, a peer support group, were cited as key advantages for this population.
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2013-11-27 - PNAS Study: Linking Human Health and Ecosystems

Tue, 11/26/2013 - 22:06
Since the Greek physician Hippocrates observed that diseases arise from nature -- and not the wrath of gods -- people have understood that human health and the environment are linked. Pollution, radiation and heavy metals are well-known hazards.

But until recently, science has paid little attention to how broad changes in Earth’s natural systems -- like oceans, climate and land cover -- also contribute to both human health and disease.
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2013-11-15 - Dr. Stephanie Hurley, Marvin Seminar Series Speaker

Wed, 11/13/2013 - 18:25
RACC Faculty Member, Stephanie Hurley, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Plant and Soil Science (UVM) was an invited speaker on November 14, 2012 for the University of Vermont, Marvin Seminar Series. The Series is sponsored by the Plant Biology Department. Dr. Hurley's presentation was hosted by Associate Professor, Plant Biology, Dr. Jeanne Harris. Dr. Hurley's presentation title was: Stormwater Treatment Landscapes at UVM and Beyond
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Professional News: Nov. 13, 2013 - UVM News

Wed, 11/13/2013 - 18:25

Professional News: Nov. 13, 2013
UVM News
The Vermont delegation included Judith Van Houten, state director, VT EPSCoR and Lillian Gamache, project administrator, VT EPSCoR. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux, associate professor of geography and Vermont State climatologist, was an invited speaker.

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Networking Event: Tech @ Middlebury 11.14.13 - vt.Buzz (blog)

Wed, 11/13/2013 - 05:39

Networking Event: Tech @ Middlebury 11.14.13
vt.Buzz (blog)
Organizers for this Tech @ series include the ACEDC, Middlebury College, Fresh Tracks Capital, LP, the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, North Country Angels, Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) and the ...

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2013-11-12 - National EPSCoR Meeting - Invited Speaker, Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux and Poster Judge, Mr. Andrew Stickney, VCET

Tue, 11/12/2013 - 07:35
The 2013 National EPSCoR Meeting was held in Nashville, TN on November 3-7. Twenty-eight states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Guam were represented at the meeting. The meeting focused on "Research, Education, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: EPSCoR as a Vehicle for Delivering on National Priorities".

The Vermont delegation included Dr. Judith Van Houten, State Director, VT EPSCoR and Lillian Gamache, Project Administrator, VT EPSCoR.

Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux, Associate Professor, Geography (UVM) and Vermont State Climatologist was an invited speaker. Dr. Dupigny-Giroux gave a presentation on November 5, titled: Climate science communication: Frameworks, challenges and strategies

Mr. Andrew Stickney, Vice President, Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET) was invited to help judge graduate student posters during the event.
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Alliance looks at water issues in Vermont - Bennington Banner

Tue, 10/29/2013 - 01:12

Alliance looks at water issues in Vermont
Bennington Banner
Kari Dolan, Ecosystem Restoration Program manager, gave a presentation entitled "Vermont's Clean Water Future: Overcoming the State's Water Quality Challenges." She began by presenting some of the biggest problems facing Vermont water: Algae bloom ...

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2013-10-28 - Dr. Alan Betts Speaks at Lyndon Institute

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 12:10
The VT EPSCoR High School team at Lyndon Institute (teachers David Williams and Matt Andrews along with four students: Sierra Keon, Haille Mesics, Joseph Mesics and Ryley Rodger) have been researching alternative energy sources for the new Environmental Science Center at Burke Mountain. RACC researcher, Dr. Alan Betts, is working with the team to identify the pros and cons of using wind power, hydropower, solar power and geothermal power in green building design. On October 8th, Dr. Betts visited Lyndon Institute to discuss the project with the team as well as give a presentation on Climate Change to the entire Lyndon Institute community.
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2013-10-28 - Essex Middle School Classroom Visits - RACC researchers work with the Edge Academy through the CWDD

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 12:10
Edge Academy students at Essex Middle School in Essex, Vermont are embarking on project-based learning around a year-long theme of What evidence can be used to justify climate change over the past 130 years and how has this changed the Vermont landscape? RACC researchers Alan Betts visited the team to talk about measures of climate change in Vermont. Jody Stryker also visited the team to talk about her work as a RACC environmental modeler, as many of the students on the team are interested in programming and computer modeling. Edge Academy teachers Lindsey Halman and Phil Young expect students to continue to draw upon these experts as they work on their small-group projects!
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2013-10-22 - NEWRnet: States design system to assess watershed health

Thu, 10/24/2013 - 09:18
Rhode Island researchers are collaborating with their counterparts in Delaware and Vermont to create a network of high tech sensors in the watersheds of the three states. The selection of equipment is part of the process in putting a $6 million National Science Foundation grant to work, collecting real-time data to better preserve and protect our water sources.
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