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The secret of scientists who impact policy - Science Daily

Tue, 02/21/2017 - 12:51

Science Daily

The secret of scientists who impact policy
Science Daily
That crucial question -- how science impacts policy -- is central to the research of University of Vermont (UVM) Prof. Taylor Ricketts and recent alum Stephen Posner. According to their findings, the most effective way environmental scholars can boost ...

Usa. Il declino delle api minaccia la produzione agricola - Blitz quotidiano

Mon, 02/20/2017 - 10:57

Usa. Il declino delle api minaccia la produzione agricola
Blitz quotidiano
La ricerca è stata discussa nel corso del meeting annuale della American Association for the Advancement of Science (Aaas). Lo studio, spiega Taylor Ricketts, dell'Università del Vermont, “offre il primo quadro nazionale della presenza delle api ...

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The Curious Case of the Cute "Face" Crane Fly

Mon, 02/20/2017 - 08:06
An email chirped in my inbox; "Check out the cute face on this insect we found." I opened the attachment (yes, from a reliable source). My colleague Professor Peter Hope had taken a spectacular photograph through his microscope. The larva in question had fallen into a pit trap set by our first-year Saint Michael's College students in Camp Johnson in Colchester.
Categories: Latest News

Zanikanie dzikich pszczół w USA może negatywnie wpłynąć na uprawy - Biznes Onet

Mon, 02/20/2017 - 08:06

Biznes Onet

Zanikanie dzikich pszczół w USA może negatywnie wpłynąć na uprawy
Biznes Onet
"Jeśli populacja dzikich pszczół będzie nadal się zmniejszać, może to zaszkodzić amerykańskiej produkcji roślinnej" - zauważył jeden z autorów badań Taylor Ricketts z University of Vermont (USA) w czasie prezentacji wyników badań na corocznym ...

Il declino delle api minaccia la produzione agricola Usa - ANSA.it

Mon, 02/20/2017 - 06:06


Il declino delle api minaccia la produzione agricola Usa
La ricerca è stata discussa nel corso del meeting annuale della American Association for the Advancement of Science (Aaas). Lo studio, spiega Taylor Ricketts, dell'Università del Vermont, "offre il primo quadro nazionale della presenza delle api ...

Aplicativo para celular pode evitar a extinção de abelhas - Jornal O Globo

Mon, 02/20/2017 - 06:00

Jornal O Globo

Aplicativo para celular pode evitar a extinção de abelhas
Jornal O Globo
... produtivas e faltará alimento para o homem. Há, então, uma ambiciosa missão pela frente: salvar as abelhas. E uma pesquisadora da Universidade de Vermont (EUA) criou um aplicativo para celular especialmente para esta missão. ... Será possível ver a ...

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Aplicación para celulares buscará salvar a las abejas - La Nación Costa Rica

Mon, 02/20/2017 - 01:14

La Nación Costa Rica

Aplicación para celulares buscará salvar a las abejas
La Nación Costa Rica
En algunas zonas de Estados Unidos las poblaciones de abejas son cada vez menores. Con el propósito de buscar una solución, ingenieros de la Universidad de Vermont, EE. UU. están desarrollando una aplicación que permita salvar estas poblaciones.

Le déclin des abeilles sauvages menace la production agricole américaine - Actualité Houssenia Writing

Sun, 02/19/2017 - 23:04

Actualité Houssenia Writing

Le déclin des abeilles sauvages menace la production agricole américaine
Actualité Houssenia Writing
Si le déclin des abeilles sauvages se poursuit, alors cela pourrait nuire à la production agricole des États-Unis et aux coûts des agriculteurs selon Taylor Ricketts, écologiste de la conservation à l'Université du Vermont pendant la réunion annuelle à ...

Save the bees? There's an app for that - Phys.Org

Sun, 02/19/2017 - 15:19


Save the bees? There's an app for that
University of Vermont (UVM) bee expert Taylor Ricketts, who is co-leading the app's development, introduced the interactive technology at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting panel, Plan Bee: Pollinators, Food ...
First national 'bee map' charts their decline – but hopes to stem the trendChristian Science Monitor
Vanishing bees? There's an app for thatCosmos
Wild Bee Populations Are out of Sync with Crop NeedsGrowing Produce
The Daily Meal -Science Times -Apex Tribune
all 23 news articles »

Bee decline threatens US crop production - EurekAlert (press release)

Sun, 02/19/2017 - 08:27

EurekAlert (press release)

Bee decline threatens US crop production
EurekAlert (press release)
If wild bee declines continue, it could hurt U.S. crop production and farmers' costs, said Taylor Ricketts, a conservation ecologist at the University of Vermont, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting panel ...

University Communications - UVM News

Sun, 02/19/2017 - 08:09

University Communications
UVM News
University of Vermont (UVM) bee expert Taylor Ricketts, who is co-leading the app's development, introduced the interactive technology at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting panel, Plan Bee: Pollinators, Food ...

and more »

University Communications - UVM News

Sun, 02/19/2017 - 08:09

University Communications
UVM News
If wild bee declines continue, it could hurt U.S. crop production and farmers' costs, said Taylor Ricketts, a conservation ecologist at the University of Vermont, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting panel ...

Save the bees? There's an app for that - EurekAlert (press release)

Sun, 02/19/2017 - 08:02

EurekAlert (press release)

Save the bees? There's an app for that
EurekAlert (press release)
University of Vermont (UVM) bee expert Taylor Ricketts, who is co-leading the app's development, introduced the interactive technology at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting panel, Plan Bee: Pollinators, Food ...

and more »

The secret of scientists who impact policy - Phys.org - Phys.Org

Sat, 02/18/2017 - 18:20


The secret of scientists who impact policy - Phys.org
Why does some research lead to changes in public policy, while other studies of equal quality do not?

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The secret of scientists who impact policy - EurekAlert (press release)

Sat, 02/18/2017 - 15:02

EurekAlert (press release)

The secret of scientists who impact policy
EurekAlert (press release)
That crucial question - how science impacts policy - is central to the research of University of Vermont (UVM) Prof. Taylor Ricketts and recent alum Stephen Posner. According to their findings, the most effective way environmental scholars can boost ...


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