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Getting right with the planet : Rutland Herald Online - Rutland Herald

Sun, 09/25/2016 - 03:05

Getting right with the planet : Rutland Herald Online
Rutland Herald
In a letter to the American Meteorological Society in 1976, I argued that if earth scientists, who had at least some understanding, did not accept some ...

Getting right with the planet - Rutland Herald

Sun, 09/25/2016 - 03:05

Getting right with the planet
Rutland Herald
In a letter to the American Meteorological Society in 1976, I argued that if earth scientists, who had at least some understanding, did not accept some responsibility for the Earth, who would? Certainly not the political and economic system that had ...

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Upcoming game about a stuffed rabbit goes to a surprisingly dark place - Kill Screen

Fri, 09/23/2016 - 03:00
Upcoming game about a stuffed rabbit goes to a surprisingly dark place  Kill Screen

If you ever had a favorite stuffed animal as a kid, you had one or two close calls where it was left somewhere a little too long and forgotten. Most of the time, ...

Vermont House Candidate Dylan Giambatista Receives Johnson State College Alumni Award - vtdigger.org

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 12:22

Vermont House Candidate Dylan Giambatista Receives Johnson State College Alumni Award
Essex Junction, Vt. – Democratic House Candidate Dylan Giambatista has received two important acknowledgements from members of Vermont's educator and higher education communities, earning the recommendation of the Vermont affiliate of the ...

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Environmental Institute may replace Gund - Vermont Cynic

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 11:06

Environmental Institute may replace Gund
Vermont Cynic
A University-wide institute for the environment may soon replace the currently-standing Gund Institute. The Institute for the Environment will be a collaborative research facility based on the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development goals, Taylor ...

Google News

Environmental Institute may replace Gund - Vermont Cynic

Wed, 09/21/2016 - 11:00

Vermont Cynic

Environmental Institute may replace Gund
Vermont Cynic
A University-wide institute for the environment may soon replace the currently-standing Gund Institute. The Institute for the Environment will be a collaborative research facility based on the United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development goals, Taylor ...

Charley Pride Reflects on His 50th Chart Anniversary & Lack of Diversity in Country Music Hunter Hayes' 'Yesterday's ... - Billboard

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 17:20


Charley Pride Reflects on His 50th Chart Anniversary & Lack of Diversity in Country Music Hunter Hayes' 'Yesterday's ...
There are three African-Americans in the Grand Ole Opry: legendary harmonica player DeFord Bailey (1899-1982), Hootie & The Blowfish alum Darius Rucker (inducted in 2012) and Charley Pride (inducted in 1993). The Sledge, Miss. (pop. 529) native went ...

Google News

Donna Rizzo Inducted into the Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 13:48

Professor and Vermont EPSCoR researcher earns recognition for service in the field of arts and science.

September 20, 2016

Donna Rizzo, PhD, a Professor at the University of Vermont (UVM) and faculty researcher with Vermont EPSCoR, was inducted into the Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences (VAAS) on Saturday, September 17th.

VAAS reported that "Dr. Rizzo was nominated because of the quality of her teaching and service as evidenced by all of the awards she has received at UVM. The Trustees were also excited to hear about her research, particularly her work on the problem of pollution in ground water. Her nominator mentioned that she is "...a superb teacher and mentor, inspiring many students, especially women, to carry on careers in engineering" and that "[she is] a critical part of Vermont EPSCoR that is focusing its attention on the health of Lake Champlain."

Dr. Rizzo has performed research focused on the development of new computational tools that are designed to help understand the full impact of human-induced climate change on Vermont's natural systems. She has served as a faculty member in the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (CEMS) at UVM since 2002, where she has worked on a number of different computational approaches to environmental problems.

Created in 1965, the VAAS is designed to foster a greater participation in both the arts and the world of science in the state of Vermont. Prior to her appointment at UVM, Dr. Rizzo taught English to children in Germany and received her Masters of Fine Art in Studio Art at the University of Florence in Italy. On the science side of things, she received a BS in civil engineering and a Master's degree in the field before becoming the first graduate of the Civil & Environmental Engineering PhD program at UVM.

Several distinguished members of the UVM community were also present for Dr. Rizzo's induction, including Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux, PhD, the Chair of the Department of Geography and Judith Van Houten, VT State EPSCoR Director and University Distinguished Professor. Dr. Dupigny-Giroux introduced Susan Wallace, PhD, the Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at UVM, who was also inducted into VAAS.

Categories: Latest News

2017 - 2018 Vermont EPSCoR SBIR/STTR Phase (0) Awards

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 13:48
Vermont EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) has supported research at Vermont's colleges and universities with funds from the National Science Foundation and local sources since 1986. The impact of the EPSCoR program also includes the private sector - particularly small, technology-based businesses.

Vermont EPSCoR will once again provide the opportunity for Vermont small businesses to compete for awards to foster research and development projects which will lead to applications to federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.

Program Overview
The main goal of the Vermont EPSCoR Phase (0) solicitation is to identify proposals that show promise for success in federal SBIR/STTR competitions and that would benefit from financial support and reviewer comments. As such, each proposal should identify at least one federal SBIR/STTR program to which the work is targeted.

* Business must be registered in Vermont.

* The maximum amount of each SBIR/STTR Phase (0) award is 15,000.

* Funding may not be used to support Masters Students' salaries.

* Multiple-year Vermont EPSCoR Phase (0) awardees must take a 1 year break from submission after their third consecutive successful award.

* Awards contingent upon NSF funding for Vermont EPSCoR.

* One award will also be made in areas of interest to NASA using NASA-EPSCoR funds. To show that an area is of interest to NASA, the PI should identify their proposed project with a new or continuing NASA research priority or technology need. This can be done by reference to a URL on a NASA website or by including an email of support from a NASA contact. The project has to include a full-time faculty researcher at a Vermont college or university as a collaborator. Only NASA projects carry this requirement.

VAAS Fellows must have made an extraordinary contribution to the arts, humanities, science, or teaching, per the organization's guidelines. These contributions must have a demonstrable impact on life within the state of Vermont.

For more information about VAAS, please visit www.vaas.us.
Categories: Latest News

Mike Winslow named Coordinator, VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development & Diversity at Saint Michael's College

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 13:48
VT EPSCoR is very happy to welcome Mike Winslow as the Coordinator of the VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development & Diversity at Saint Michael's College(CWDD).

Mike has an outstanding career in environmental advocacy, research and teaching. For the past 15 years, he worked as a staff scientist for the Lake Champlain Committee and authored Lake Champlain: A Natural History.

He holds a MS in Botany from the University of Vermont and a BS from St. Lawrence University in Biology/Environmental Studies.

Mike has served on numerous community area committees, and prior to his work with the Lake Champlain Committee, Mike worked for many years in the field of education as a classroom science teacher.

Dr. Judith Van Houten, VT State EPSCoR Director, is pleased to welcome Mike to his new position. "We are thrilled that Mike has joined our efforts and look forward to the perspective that he will bring to the program."

Mike can be reached at mwinslow@smcvt.edu

Please join in welcoming Mike Winslow to VT EPSCoR!
Categories: Latest News

UVM Spinoff Company Honored as One of Nation's Top Start-Ups at Washington, DC, Ceremony - UVM News

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 13:48

UVM Spinoff Company Honored as One of Nation's Top Start-Ups at Washington, DC, Ceremony
UVM News
GreenScale Ryan McDevitt, co-founder and lead R&D engineer for GreenScale Technologies of South Burlington, Vt., discusses an element of the miniaturized propulsion system for small satellites he developed in partnership with his former doctoral ...

UVM Spinoff Company Honored as One of Nation's Top Start-Ups at Washington, DC, Ceremony - UVM News

Tue, 09/20/2016 - 13:48

UVM Spinoff Company Honored as One of Nation's Top Start-Ups at Washington, DC, Ceremony
UVM News
GreenScale Ryan McDevitt, co-founder and lead R&D engineer for GreenScale Technologies of South Burlington, Vt., discusses an element of the miniaturized propulsion system for small satellites he developed in partnership with his former doctoral ...

Categories: Latest News

Eight Students Awarded VT EPSCoR Native American and First-Generation College Student Scholarships.

Mon, 09/19/2016 - 07:46

Students Receive a Total of $40,000 in Scholarships for STEM Scholarships

Eight Vermont college students received a total of $40,000 in VT EPSCoR Native American and First-Generation College Student Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) at the Vermont State House.

Patricia Moulton, then Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, presented the students with their awards and encouraged them to consider a career in Vermont. The location in front of Vermont's capital city of Montpelier served as a reminder to students of the many career opportunities available to them in the state. Initiatives such as this scholarship program serve to help improve the quality of the STEM workforce in Vermont.

The VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development and Diversity (CWDD) at Saint Michael's College offers these scholarships on an annual basis as a way of encouraging a diverse range of students to pursue STEM careers. The competitive scholarships help to defray college expenses and enable young Vermonters to pursue degrees and careers focused on STEM fields.

Each of the students selected for a scholarship has shown an interest in pursuing a STEM career and is either of Native American ancestry or the first in their family to attend a four-year college. Individual recipients received a $5,000 award that ensures that these Vermont students will attend a Vermont college or university in the coming academic year, either as new attendees or returning undergraduates.

The scholarships are awarded based on academic standing, an essay written by the students, and letters of recommendation. For more information about this scholarship opportunity or to apply, visit .

2016 Scholarship Awardees:

Emily Cass is the recipient of a First-Generation Scholarship. A recent graduate of Randolph Union High School, she is currently pursuing a degree in mathematics at the University of Vermont.

Daniel Cliche was chosen to receive a First-Generation Scholarship. He is a graduate of Lyndon Institute and is pursuing a major in environmental engineering at the University of Vermont.

Joshua Dam received a First-Generation Scholarship. A graduate of Vergennes Union High School, he is currently attending the University of Vermont in pursuit of a degree in civil engineering.

Kyle Dash is the recipient of a First-Generation Scholarship and is a graduate of Harwood Union High School. He is currently attending Castleton College and plans to major in environmental science.

Steven Gilbeau was chosen for a First-Generation Scholarship. He is currently continuing his education at the Community College of Vermont and plans to pusure an associate's degree in STEM studies.

Ena Ibrisimovic is a recipient of a First-Generation Scholarship and is currently enrolled at the University of Vermont. A graduate of Burlington High School, she is currently seeking a chemistry major.

Bridget Kimsey received a Native American Scholarship. Having completed a Bachelor's in Fine Arts at New York University in 1997, she is not enrolled at the Community College of Vermont, which she plans to use as a springboard into conducting research in pathology.

Erikka Sherman is the recipient of a Native American Scholarship. She graduated from Missisquoi Valley Union High School and is a junior at Saint Michael's College, where she plans to major in mathematics and elementary education.

Applications for 2017 scholarship will open in November 2016. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2017. For more information, please contact:

The Vermont EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development and Diversity (CWDD)
One Winooski Park, Box 137
Saint Michael's College
Colchester, Vermont 05439

Categories: Latest News

Author readings, new releases coming up - Huntington Herald Dispatch

Mon, 09/19/2016 - 07:46

Author readings, new releases coming up
Huntington Herald Dispatch
Hassib, whose undergraduate degree in Egypt was in architecture, said it was Marshall University English professor Jane Hill (who was in the audience) who said Hassib should flesh out a short story she had written. That short story became "In the ...

Students and locals talk Johnson State, Lyndon college union - Stowe Today

Fri, 09/16/2016 - 15:59

Students and locals talk Johnson State, Lyndon college union
Stowe Today
A community forum at Johnson last Friday didn't attract a single student, although roughly 30 people attended, mostly JSC faculty or staff, or community leaders. Leslie Kanat, a geology professor, has tried to unearth some sense of how his students ...

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