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Jessica Rubin, 2018 VT EPSCoR SBIR Pilot Award Recipient - Vermonters Face Stormwater Threat With Fungi, Rain Gardens and More

Wed, 03/11/2020 - 19:32
Vermonters Face Stormwater Threat With Fungi, Rain Gardens and More. New weather patterns are affecting Vermont, according to the state's climate change website. Some locals might welcome rising average temperatures and shorter winters, but more intense storms? Not so much.
Categories: Latest News

Storms wreak havoc on land. We’re only beginning to understand what they do underwater

Tue, 03/10/2020 - 18:00
You’ve likely heard about broad trends that scientists are certain will occur as a result of climate change: Plants and animals will be pushed out of their native habitats. Ice sheets will melt, and sea level will rise. Extreme weather events, like droughts and storms, will become more common and more severe.
Categories: Latest News


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