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Teens in Virginia, nation not using most effective birth control devices - Roanoke Times

Sat, 04/11/2015 - 00:20

Roanoke Times

Teens in Virginia, nation not using most effective birth control devices
Roanoke Times
Along with Colorado, the other states with the highest teen use of long-acting reversible contraceptives were Alaska, Iowa, Hawaii and Vermont and the District of Columbia. Lowest use was reported in Indiana, West Virginia, New Jersey and South Dakota.

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Kids stay active on spring break in local youth programs - Merced Sun-Star

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 22:29

Merced Sun-Star

Kids stay active on spring break in local youth programs
Merced Sun-Star
Ben Liske, 8, of Merced reaches out to touch the branch of a pine tree during a Building Young Leaders treasure hunt at Applegate Park in Merced on Wednesday. The activities are organized to keep students active and busy during spring break. | Andrew ...

2015-04-16 Dr. Alan Betts reaches out to communities in Northern Vermont and Quebec - en français!

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16
Dr. Alan Betts gave two talks in Richford Vermont this month and was the Keynote speaker at the annual colloquium of the Green Churches of Canada in Quebec City.
Categories: Latest News

2015-04-16 VT EPSCoR Partners with LaunchVT

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16
Vermont EPSCoR has partnered with LaunchVT to provide Vermont businesses additional funding opportunities.

2015-04-16 VT EPSCoR Partners with LaunchVT

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16
Vermont EPSCoR has partnered with LaunchVT to provide Vermont businesses additional funding opportunities.
Categories: Latest News

2015-04-15 Vermont EPSCoR 2015 Student Research Symposium Presentations & Videos

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16
2015 Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium Presentations and Videos are now available on the VT EPSCoR Website

2015-04-13 Transcend Installs New Sensors at DOE Research Field Station

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16
Transcend Engineering deployed second generation prototypes of its PRISMS soil moisture sensing technology in two boreholes at the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE) environmental field research station in Rifle, CO, on the site of a former uranium tailings operation. The new installations bring the total number of PRISMS sensors at the site to 11.
Categories: Latest News

2015-04-09 Video: RACC Seminar - Using the CUAHSI Water Data Center to Support Interdisciplinary Water Research with Richard P. Hooper

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16
The CUAHSI Water Data Center (WDC) has developed a modern data publication and data discovery system for sharing time series data (like gage data or water quality sensor data) that works much the same way as a Google works. Users open a client (in much the same way as a web browser), searches a catalog (maintained by the WDC) for data, and downloads the data in a standardized format that the client understands (just like browser interprets HTML to layout text and pictures). The WDC has implemented all parts of the system in the Cloud environment to simplify access and use of this software. With this basic foundation established, the challenge now is that to make these services useful for academic research and education. Demonstrations of how these data services will be used in the National Flood Interoperability Experiment (to be held at the National Water Center in Tuscaloosa, AL this summer) will be presented, as will approaches for using these data services to advance research collaboration among teams of scientists and among universities. Feedback from the audience about additional tools and services will be solicited.
Categories: Latest News

Field Research in Mongolia Informs Senior's Thesis - UVM News

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16

Field Research in Mongolia Informs Senior's Thesis
UVM News
Professor Jason Stockwell's research work on food webs in Lake Champlain, got her started on climate impacts to the lake's fisheries. Specifically, she looked at cyano-bacteria blooms. Blooms increase with nutrient pollution and warming waters ...

Field Research in Mongolia Informs Senior's Thesis - UVM News

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 16:16

Field Research in Mongolia Informs Senior's Thesis
UVM News
After graduating this spring, she'll join UVM professor Breck Bowden's lab in Alaska, looking at the influence of melting permafrost on nutrient cycling in Alaskan streams. Eventually, she hopes to go to graduate school, adding that, someday, she'd ...

Categories: Latest News

Fair Share? Officials Struggle to Regulate Vermont's 'Sharing Economy' - Seven Days

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 10:02

Seven Days

Fair Share? Officials Struggle to Regulate Vermont's 'Sharing Economy'
Seven Days
In early March, Vermont's Department of Financial Regulation issued a consumer alert cautioning people that a "revolution" was brewing in the Green Mountain State. It was referring to the "sharing economy," in which people use online platforms to rent ...

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BAFTA TV Awards: Benedict Cumberbatch Gets Third Nomination for 'Sherlock' - Hollywood Reporter

Wed, 04/08/2015 - 03:44

Hollywood Reporter

BAFTA TV Awards: Benedict Cumberbatch Gets Third Nomination for 'Sherlock'
Hollywood Reporter
While the famed sleuth would be quick to reject any element of fortitude or chance in the decision-making, could it be third time lucky for Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock? The actor on Wednesday picked up his third BAFTA TV leading actor nomination ...

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In Brian Wood's Rebels, Personal Is Political - Vulture

Tue, 04/07/2015 - 17:03


In Brian Wood's Rebels, Personal Is Political
The second is that I was born and raised in Vermont, and this history is my local history. So in a way, I always had this idea somewhere in the back of my head, ever since I was a kid playing in the woods behind my house, pretending to be a soldier or ...

Mark Herring supports Obama's executive action on immigration - Roanoke Times

Mon, 04/06/2015 - 22:43

Roanoke Times

Mark Herring supports Obama's executive action on immigration
Roanoke Times
Attorney General Mark Herring is injecting himself in the national immigration debate, joining 14 other states and the District of Columbia in filing an amicus brief in support of President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration. “Immigration ...

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Man arrested on suspicion of possession of heroin - WPTZ The Champlain Valley

Mon, 04/06/2015 - 08:04

WPTZ The Champlain Valley

Man arrested on suspicion of possession of heroin
WPTZ The Champlain Valley
Sunday night Vermont State police pulled over Robert Riggs Jr., 31,of Hartford Connecticut for an expired registration. During the course of the traffic stop, police found that Riggs also had a suspended license. During a search, police found marijuana ...

Google News

A presidential eggs-perience - Evening Observer

Sun, 04/05/2015 - 00:49

Evening Observer

A presidential eggs-perience
Evening Observer
Judi Lutz Woods of Fredonia's Temple Street, her husband Brian Woods and their grandchildren, Brianne Buchanan, 13, and Jordan Carmona, 9, are hopeful they may get a glimpse of President Barack Obama at the 137th annual installment of the eggy event ...

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