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Kinnelon council holds back on smoking ban - NorthJersey.com

Thu, 07/25/2013 - 01:53

Kinnelon council holds back on smoking ban
At the July 11 Borough Council work session, Peter Correale, the municipal health officer, and Jack Glaser, chairman of the Kinnelon Board of Health, told the council firsthand why they thought a ban should be enacted. Correale said outdoor smoking ...

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NSF grants enhance science, engineering research capacity across US - R & D Magazine

Wed, 07/24/2013 - 11:53

NSF grants enhance science, engineering research capacity across US
R & D Magazine
Judith Van Houten, Univ. of Vermont; Daniel Leathers, Univ. of Delaware; Jennifer Specker, Univ. of Rhode Island Collaborative research in Vermont, Delaware, and Rhode Island will address and integrate two grand challenges in environmental science and ...

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展望物联网应用中电源与储能技术 - 电子产品世界

Tue, 07/23/2013 - 21:40

实例包括以震动、热源、太阳能电池、静电荷(electrostaticcharge)或环境中电磁辐射等机械运动所产生的电力。虽然采电通常只能产生少量电力,对简单的感测及通讯对象来说已经足够。像MicroStrain便推出一款利用采电技术 ...

明确不同软件解决方案创建ERP和PLM的协作 - 速途网

Fri, 07/19/2013 - 23:59

对设计和生产智能传感器产品的Microstrain公司而言,利用ERP和PLM系统进行同步化信息管理带来的益处是显而易见的。这家公司集成了ERP和PLM应用环境,使设计和生产的可视化融入了实时的物料清单数据。只要一个设计变 ...

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Top-selling Minnesota Realtors shift away from distressed housing - Minneapolis Star Tribune

Fri, 07/19/2013 - 21:46

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Top-selling Minnesota Realtors shift away from distressed housing
Minneapolis Star Tribune
When the recession hit and many real estate agents quit the business, Jason Stockwell's sales kept going up. His strategy was basic: Follow the market. He started with traditional deals but quickly shifted to short sales and foreclosures when the ...

明确不同软件解决方案创建ERP和PLM的协作 - 比特网

Fri, 07/19/2013 - 09:45

对设计和生产智能传感器产品的Microstrain公司而言,利用ERP和PLM系统进行同步化信息管理带来的益处是显而易见的。这家公司集成了ERP和PLM应用环境,使设计和生产的可视化融入了实时的物料清单数据。只要一个设计变 ...

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展望物联网应用中的电源与储能技术 - 北极星电力新闻网

Fri, 07/19/2013 - 04:58

像MicroStrain便推出一款利用采电技术的应变力传感器(strain gauge sensor)节点。 4.无线充电:并非所有具感测及通讯功能的对象都能以替换式电池或采电供给所需电力。举例来说,智能型服饰(smart clothing)要换电池 ...

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2013-07-18 - Nutrient Loading In Lake Erie with Anna Michalak

Thu, 07/18/2013 - 03:12
Part of the earth's largest surface freshwater system, Lake Erie is a vital source of drinking water for 11 million people. Researchers Anna Michalak, Tom Bridgeman, and Pete Richards are studying how farming practices and severe weather can increase the amount of fertilizer-derived nutrients in the water, which diminishes water quality and threatens the lake's ecosystem and the public's health.
Categories: Latest News

Panel has many Fukushima questions - Barre Montpelier Times Argus

Thu, 07/18/2013 - 03:12

Panel has many Fukushima questions
Barre Montpelier Times Argus
Leslie Kanat, a professor of geology at Johnson State College and a panel member, had questions about the dry cask facility, which is just north of the Vermont Yankee building. Entergy Nuclear engineer Bill Buteau said the dry cask facility had been ...

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Categories: Latest News

Facing climate change: Jet stream instability causes record rainfall, summer flooding of Lake Champlain - vtdigger.org

Tue, 07/16/2013 - 16:37


Facing climate change: Jet stream instability causes record rainfall, summer flooding of Lake Champlain
“If you go back 30 or 40 years, we had weather patterns where, typically, our fronts would pass us every five days or so and there would be a strong flow from west to east,” said Alan Betts, an independent climate researcher based out of Pittsford who ...

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Facing climate change: Jet stream instability causes record rainfall, summer ... - vtdigger.org

Sun, 07/14/2013 - 16:33


Facing climate change: Jet stream instability causes record rainfall, summer ...
“If you go back 30 or 40 years, we had weather patterns where, typically, our fronts would pass us every five days or so and there would be a strong flow from west to east,” said Alan Betts, an independent climate researcher based out of Pittsford who ...

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Categories: Latest News

Both sides gear up as deadline for public input on F-35 report looms - vtdigger.org

Thu, 07/11/2013 - 15:23


Both sides gear up as deadline for public input on F-35 report looms
Rosanne Greco (left), a South Burlington City Council member, speaks with Jean Szilva, a retired University of Vermont professor of anatomy and neurobiology, at Chamberlin Elementary School in South Burlington for Tuesday's forum on the effect on noise ...

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2013-07-11 - Floods Worsen Lake Champlain As State, EPA Develop Clean-up Plan

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 20:19
The last two months of heavy rains have pushed Lake Champlain to near flood stage, and aggravated the lake’s pollution problems.

The high water and increased pollution comes as federal and state officials are preparing a clean up plan for the lake.

The plan will likely include everything from new limits on sewage treatment plants to increased controls on storm water.
Categories: Latest News

2013-07-11 - Book Review of Asim Zia's: Post-Kyoto climate governance: Confronting the politics of scale, ideology, and knowledge

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 20:19
Numerous changes in global and regional climates have been observed, documented and studied from the viewpoints of various sciences and at different scales (IPCC, 2007). On the one hand, changes in global, and, especially, regional, climate represent the triggering factor of alterations in ecosystems and in the environment of those regions, affecting people's welfare as well. On the other hand, changes of regional economic relationships, economic growth or decay, can diminish or accentuate negative impact on the environment and quality of life. Thus, it might be difficult to find the determinant factor for the changes at the regional level in certain economic contexts. Here, multidisciplinary and complex approaches would give better results.
Categories: Latest News

Protesters voice opposition to sale of Hofmann Forest before meeting of NC ... - News & Observer

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 20:19

Protesters voice opposition to sale of Hofmann Forest before meeting of NC ...
News & Observer
While the demonstrators' shouts were barely audible inside the Centennial Campus Alumni Center, their actions were duly noted by Board of Trustees members and officials on hand, including Chancellor Randy Woodson and Mary Watzin, dean of the ...

Protesters voice opposition to sale of Hofmann Forest before meeting of NC ... - News & Observer

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 20:19

News & Observer

Protesters voice opposition to sale of Hofmann Forest before meeting of NC ...
News & Observer
While the demonstrators' shouts were barely audible inside the Centennial Campus Alumni Center, their actions were duly noted by Board of Trustees members and officials on hand, including Chancellor Randy Woodson and Mary Watzin, dean of the ...

Palm Coast man arrested on molestation charges - ActionNewsJax.com

Wed, 07/10/2013 - 17:45

Palm Coast man arrested on molestation charges
Flagler County Sheriff's deputies says a 15-year-old boy told them Jason Stockwell, 33, of Clubhouse Drive, accosted him about 2 p.m. as he was walking through the area. The teen said Stockwell exposed himself and then grabbed him. According to the ...

2013-07-10 - Flowcam being used by RACC Undergraduate Interns

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 15:36
FlowCAM takes pictures of individual organisms down to 2 microns and up to 2 mm. RACC interns build up digital image libraries and use automated statistical models to classify organisms in images. It is being used by RACC Question 1 to count phytoplankton cells and zooplankton from Missisquoi Bay. Flowcam can process 20 to 30 samples per day vs 3 or 4 by microscope.
Categories: Latest News

Tensions mount over paramilitary guards at Wisconsin mine site - MinnPost.com

Tue, 07/09/2013 - 15:36

Tensions mount over paramilitary guards at Wisconsin mine site
Jason Stockwell of ReMax Results has a hefty lead over the local competition. Speaking of real estate … Janet Moore at the Strib says: “The Wedge, a leader in the co-op community and a Twin Cities institution, has big plans to expand. The Minneapolis ...


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