VT EPSCoR and the Governor's Institutes of Vermont partnered to host the first-ever Advanced Math Winter Weekend for Girls on Feburay 15-17 at Marlboro College in Marlboro, Vermont.
Fourteen girls, including students through the Vermont Refugee Resettlement program participated.
The Governor's Institutes of Vermont (GIV) creates fun, accelerated learning residencies on college campuses for Vermont teenagers. Since 1983, nearly 10,000 students have embraced the unique opportunity to deepen their educations through GIV, and GIV has become one of the longest-running Governor's schools in the country.
In 2004, the Vermont State Math Coalition partnered with GIV to create the Mathematical Sciences Institute. In the Advanced Mathematics for Girls Institute, the attendees explored advanced mathematical concepts in a hands-on way. Students explored fascinating things with advanced math and examined how mathematical principles apply to the world.
GIV holds winter weekends and summer week-long programs. GIV institutes focus on arts, engineering, information technology, environmental science and technology, mathematics, Asian cultures, and current issues and Youth Activism. For more information see www.giv.org.