Understanding the biogeochemical impacts of land use change and climate variability will require improved understanding of nutrient variability over multiple temporal scales, ranging from days to seasons. We quantified nutrient flux during baseflow and storm events using in situ sensors deployed in headwater streams draining three land use types (forest, suburban, and agriculture) within the Lamprey River watershed in coastal New Hampshire. Two sensor suites were rotated between suburban and agricultural sites from April-December 2012; sensors were deployed permanently in December 2012 (suburban) and March 2013 (agricultural). During baseflow, nitrate concentrations were highest at the agricultural site from June-August. Seasonal variability in nitrate at the suburban site was also pronounced, showing highest concentrations in winter. During storms, dilution of nitrate concentrations occurred at both the suburban and agricultural sites, though in both nitrate flux peaked during high flow. Export ranged from 0.07-9.58 kg km-2 at the agricultural site, 0.21-5.20 kg km-2 at the suburban site, and 0.27-1.10 kg km-2at the forested site. Quantitative hysteresis analysis suggests differing flowpaths for nitrate and chloride through seasons at each site, though patterns in hysteresis characteristics among storms are inconsistent. Time to peak in flux vs. discharge provides information on near vs. far shore sources that can help explain hysteretic patterns. Daily patterns in nitrate flux and chloride appear at all three sites, though daily patterns do not always correlate to metabolic activity. High-frequency datasets for headwater streams will provide insight into complex land use/water quality relationships in urbanizing watersheds, and inform developing models.