BREE Climate Team Visits Colleagues at Dartmouth College

From left to right: Jonathan Winter, Huanping Huang, Janel Hanrahan, Tania Bacchus, Kevin Ziegler, Harris Eidelman, Benjamin Frechette, Celia Fisher, Ilan Nieves, Jory Hecht
From left to right: Jonathan Winter, Huanping Huang, Janel Hanrahan, Tania Bacchus, Kevin Ziegler, Harris Eidelman, Benjamin Frechette, Celia Fisher, Ilan Nieves, Jory Hecht

Interns and mentors from Vermont EPSCoR’s BREE Climate Team visited Dartmouth College in July 2017 to share their findings with colleagues.

Vermont EPSCoR members included Jonathan Winter (Assistant Professor of Earth Science, Dartmouth College), Huanping Huang (Graduate Research Associate, Dartmouth College), Janel Hanrahan (Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndon State College), Tania Bacchus (Professor of Environmental & Health Sciences, Johnson State College), and Jory Hecht (Post-doctoral Associate).

Summer Undergraduate Interns included Kevin Ziegler, Harris Eidelman, Benjamin Frechette, Celia Fisher, and Ilan Nieves. Each student intern participated in a summer internship located at the University of Vermont, Johnson State College, or Lyndon State College. Their home universities included the University of Alabama, Clark University, Lyndon State College, and the Universidad de Puerto Rico.

The visit gave the interns the opportunity to present research from their summer experience with team members located at Dartmouth College.

Intern Benjamin Frechette presents at Dartmouth College

Intern Benjamin Frechette presents at Dartmouth College