Vermont EPSCoR CWDD Outreach Coordinator, Veronica Sosa-Gonzalez, PhD, attended major conferences in Fall 2017 as part of an effort to recruit undergraduate interns into research for Basin Resilience to Extreme Events, the current RII Track-1 award. Combining efforts with Tabitha Finch from the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN), the pair attended the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). Later, Dr. Sosa-Gonzalez attended the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). The events each had more than 4,000 attendees.
SACNAS 2017 was held in Salt Lake City, Utah from October 19th to 21st. The conference brought together underrepresented minorities to network, find new opportunities, and present their current work. ABRCMS took place in Phoenix, Arizona from November 1st to 4th. Dr. Sosa-Gonzalez again paired with Tabitha Finch of VGN to share a booth at this conference, which drew professionals from a wide range of scientific fields.
Prior to the beginning of ABRCMS, Dr. Sosa-Gonzalez offered a presentation, “Summer Internship Opportunity in Basin Resilience in the Lake Champlain Area,” about the BREE internship program at several universities in Arizona. Approximately 200 students attended the talks at Phoenix College, Northern Arizona University, and Arizona State University.