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Dr. Clive Lipchin - Presentation: Solutions for off grid food-energy-water in a transboundary context

Dr. Clive Lipchin gives talk on Solutions for off grid food-energy-water



On September 15th, 2021 Dr. Clive Lipchin presented "Solutions for off grid food-energy-water in a transboundary context" to an in person / remote audience at VT EPSCoR's 23 Mansfield Interdisciplinary Research Space conference room. Dr. Lipchin was invited by Dr. Asim Zia, Science Co-Leader for the BREE Integrated Assessment Model (IAM). Dr. Lipchin serves as director of the Arava Institute's Center for Transboundary Water Management. He oversees research projects, workshops and conferences that focus on transboundary water and environmental problems facing Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. His specialty is in water resources management and policy. He consults for a number of national and international water agencies such as the World Bank, EU, UNDP and USAID and has been involved most recently with the European Union's Water Initiative project for the Mediterranean region.


Dr. Lipchin is currently working on cross-border stream restoration and waste water management issues between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. This work is being supported in part by the EU, USAID and the JNF's Parsons Water Fund. He is also involved in developing appropriate community-based water technologies for water treatment using solar energy and is developing a project for solar desalination of drinking water in the Gaza Strip and solar powered household wastewater treatment and reuse systems for Israel, the West Bank, Jordan and the developing world.


A native of South Africa, he been living in Israel for over twenty years. He received a BSc degree in zoology at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, a BSc Honors in wildlife management from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, a MSc in desert ecology from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and a PhD in resource ecology management from the School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan.


His publications have been presented widely on the topic of transboundary water management in the Middle East and has served as senior editor on two books: “Integrated Water Resources Management in the Middle East”, and "The Jordan River and Dead Sea Basin: Cooperation amid Conflict".


Video: Presentation