Dr. Patrick Clemins, Cyber Specialist for VT EPSCoR, along with Robert Davis of Stromatec, led a roundtable discussion on the SBIR/STTR and VT EPSCoR SBIR Phase 0 grant process at the 8th Annual Invention to Venture (I2V) Conference at the University of Vermont's Davis Center on the afternoon of April 4th, 2013. Attendees participated in one of nine roundtable discussions during three different sessions on topics such as how to build a business team, financial resources in Vermont, and intellectual property protection. Conversation at the SBIR/STTR/Phase 0 roundtable included how to find help in applying for an SBIR/STTR grant, the differences between SBIR/STTR grants and academic research grants such as those from NSF and NIH, how SBIR/STTR grants are reviewed, and the benefits of applying for a Vermont EPSCoR Phase 0 grant before submitting a proposal at the federal level.