Presentations - 2014 Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium
Jessica Mailhot
- University of Vermont
How Does Water Quality Affect Phytoplankton Communities in Missisquoi Bay?
Emily Secor
- University of Vermont
Japanese Knotweeds Effect on Erosion Rates in Riparian Corridors
Patrick Murphy
- Community College of Vermont & University of Vermont
Soil Phosphorus Levels along Eroding Vermont River Corridors
Jordan Hoffman, Emily Pomichter, & Tom Lane
- BFA Fairfax
Is there a Relationship Between Water Temperature and Phosphate Level in Tributaries to Lake Champlain?
Abigail Murphy
- Johnson State College
The Effect of Storm Events on Phosphorus Concentrations Influenced by Land Use in Lamoille River Tributaries
Alice Garrastegui, Gabriela Rosario, & Frank Torres
- University Gardens High School
Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera, and Caddisfly: Indicators of Total Phosphorus levels in Río Puerto Nuevo and Río Grande de Loíza
Eva Williford
- University of Vermont
Vermont’s Climate Variability and Backward Seasons
Emily Wiggans
- University of Vermont
On the Phosphorous Loading Estimation to Lake Champlain
Nicholas Dragone
- Middlebury College
The Effect of Aquatic Macrophyte Structure on Fish Populations in a Vermont Lake
Nancy Luong
- Texas A&M University
Climate Change Scenarios and Adaptation Strategies