Vermont Space Grant Consortium: GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS FOR AY2014-2015

Vermont Space Grant Consortium: Call for Proposals
Submission Deadline: Friday, March 14, 2014 @ 5:00 p.m.

The Vermont Space Grant Consortium (VTSGC) is pleased to announce a competition for Graduate Research Assistantships for a twelve-month period consisting of the 2014-2015 Academic Year and the Summer of 2015. This competition is open to graduate students enrolled in M.S. and Ph.D. students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
Program Overview
The goals of this program are two-fold: (1) help prepare the next generation of researchers in STEM disciplines; and (2) to provide research support for faculty working in areas that strongly align with new and continuing NASA research priorities and technology needs. Therefore, the proposal for a VTSGC Graduate Research Assistantship must be written by the faculty advisor as principal investigator (PI) and tailored to show how the requested support for a specific, named student will advance the PI’s research program in an area that is a NASA research priority. As such, proposals for a student “To Be Named” will not be accepted. The faculty research project topic should have the potential to be nationally competitive for follow-on funding from NASA or a similar Federal agency through non-Space Grant or non-NASA EPSCoR funding mechanisms.