RACC 2013 Water Quality Survey
Oriented toward the policy and governance implications of climate change on water quality of the Lake Champlain Region, the 2013 RACC Water Quality Survey seeks to understand Vermonters’ attitudes toward, and awareness of, water quality, climate change, and individual and social responsibility for both. These are its key findings:
- Vermonters are deeply concerned about water quality, more so than any other surveyed policy issue.
- Vermonters believe that water is a public good, and that we ought to focus on the maintenance of recreational opportunities, high quality of life, and economic health as the primary impacts of water quality policy.
- Vermonters show a strong preference for state-level responsibility for water quality, and also believe that responsibility ought to be clearly designated.
- Vermonters are convinced that adequate funding ought to be dedicated to water quality in Vermont.
- Vermonters are largely unwilling to allow tax increases or fees in order to fund water quality initiatives and enforcement.
- Vermonters show the highest level of acceptance of one-time development fees, increased stormwater fees, and excise taxes, with the greatest acceptance being for fees or taxes that are directly related to water usage to fund water quality initiatives and enforcement.
- Vermonters’ recreational habits are significantly impacted by water quality.
- Socioeconomic, cultural, and life stage factors influence Vermonters’ perception of water quality-related legal and economic issues.
- Vermonters have a fairly high level of confidence in experts on climate change.
For a copy of the full report click