The Vermont EPSCoR communications team is responsible for getting the word out about all of our great programs. The team utilizes video, newsletters and social media outlets to publicize the many facets of the Vermont EPSCoR program.
Watershed Moments Short Videos.
Part of our communicating science work with RACC and NSF EPSCoR involves the creation of short videos highlighting work performed by our research team and many stakeholders. This set of Watershed Moments Short Videos aims to provide vignettes of the progress of our work, outreach, workforce development efforts through the VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development and Diversity (CWDD) and the many dimensions of relevance it has in the region. These videos highlight the connections we have with many area stakeholders and to broader questions of relevance and the use-based science underway. To view the Watershed Moments videos, please visit: Emerging Science
Vermont EPSCoR has funded the Vermont Public Television program "Emerging Science", a series that features Vermont scientists who expand human knowledge and help solve problems around the world. The multi-award-winning project features broadcast programs, web resources and community events, as well as educational outreach to help high school teachers spark students’ interest in scientific careers. More information about this program including videos of all episodes can be found at: Videos
Many Vermont EPSCoR events are recorded and shared via our website. To view our videos, please visit:
?node=4455 Vermont EPSCoR Social Media