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Call for Interdisciplinary Planning Proposals $15,000 - UVM OVPR for NSF INFEWS 2017 Competition

Innovations at the NEXUS of Food, Energy and Water Systems (INFEWS)
An Interdisciplinary Incentive Competition

In January 2016, the National Science Foundation (NSF) posted a new solicitation for grant applications entitled "Innovations at the NEXUS of Food, Energy and Water Systems." The full proposal deadline was March 22, 2016. However, from FY2017 to FY2021 the NSF plans to continue to make awards under the INFEWS solicitation. The funding for each of those years is unknown, but it is germane to note that the funding for the 2016 solicitation was $75 million.
The major goals of the initial solicitation are listed in the following URL - They are:
  1. Significantly advance our understanding of Food, Energy and Water Systems through quantitative and computational modeling, including support for relevant cyber infrastructure.
  2. Develop real time cyber-enabled interfaces that improve understanding of the behavior of FEW Systems and increase decision support capability.
  3. Enable research that will lead to innovative system and technological solutions to critical FEW problems.
  4. Grow the scientific work force capable of studying and managing the FEW Systems through education and other professional opportunities.
In anticipation of next year's solicitation and to encourage interdisciplinary submissions of the highest quality, the University of Vermont’s Office of the Vice President for Research is announcing an incentive competition for groups of investigators who are interested in planning and building high quality applications to the NEXUS of Food, Energy and Water Systems in 2017 and onwards. It is anticipated that up to two groups may be supported each year with incentive funds of up to $15K to stimulate cross-campus, interdisciplinary collaborations that lead to high quality applications.
NOTE that NSF often accepts multiple applications from each institution and investigators who choose not to apply for the internal competition for incentive funding may still be eligible to apply to the NSF.
Those wishing to apply for the interdisciplinary internal competition should submit a 5-page pre-proposal describing the scientific basis for the application (including the interdisciplinary interactions between Food, Energy and Water), qualifications of the PI, Co-PIs or Co-Investigators, and a brief justification for how the budget will be spent. Applications will be accepted by e-mail up until October 1, 2016, and should be addressed to, at the Office of the Associate VP for Research Administration. Any questions should be addressed to Dan Harvey ( / 656-4566), at the Office of the VP for Research.
Appropriate applications will be reviewed by a panel consisting of the VP for Research and the Deans of the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources, and UVM Extension. Those applications judged to be the most competitive, based on the NSF criteria, will be supported by the incentive funds and will have access to Jeralyn Haraldsen, PhD, Grant Proposal Manager in the Office of the VP for Research, to assist in preparing the full proposal.