Vermont EPSCoR
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Mini Grants available for the NASA EPSCoR Technical Interchange Meeting and Biomimicry Summit 2-4 August


Mini Grants available for the NASA EPSCoR Technical Interchange Meeting and Biomimicry Summit 2-4 August



There will be a NASA EPSCoR sponsored Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) hosted by NASA Glenn Research Center, and located at the Ohio Aerospace Institute (Cleveland, OH) on 2-4 August 2016. The focus of the meeting will be "Biomimicry" and its uses to solve problems of interest to NASA.




There is a limited number of travel minigrants available from the Vermont Space Grant/NASA EPSCoR Office for interested researchers to attend this meeting. If you wish to be considered for a travel minigrant, you should prepare a one-page memo describing your interest in attending this meeting and how it might benefit your research activities. This document should be emailed to Debra Fraser in the VTSGC Office at no later than June 30. Awardees will be notified by July 6.



If you have any questions, contact the Vermont Space Grant at (802) 656-1429.