Vermont EPSCoR
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Travel Awards to National SBIR/STTR Workshops and Conferences - Boston October 5th & 6th 2016

Vermont EPSCoR is excited to continue to offer travel awards to national SBIR/STTR workshops and conferences. The 2016 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) New England Regional Summit - - is being held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on October 6, 2016. There is also a pre-conference session on October 5th, 2016, titled Women SBIR Networking and Awareness Day which is designed to supplement the main conference to deliver content and networking for practitioners as well as foster a policy discussion aimed to promote gender diversity in grant-making. VT EPSCoR will reimburse awardees up to $300 with valid mileage ($0.54 per mile), transportation, and lodging receipts for attending the single day conference, or up to $500 if you attend both the pre-conference networking event and the conference itself. Deadline for applications is Monday, September 19th and awardees will be notified by Wednesday, September 21st.
Selection Criteria / Qualifications:
  • Awardees should have made initial progress on a project that could lead to an SBIR award.
  • The cohort of awardees (up to 10) will be selected so that diverse fields of study (i.e. agriculture, medicine, engineering, etc.) are represented.
  • To maximize the impact of our travel awards, priority will be given to:
    • Applicants expressing a commitment to attend the summit’s pre-conference event, Women SBIR Networking and Awareness Day, and
    • Applicants who have not received a prior travel award this calendar year.