Vermont EPSCoR
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Call for Pre-Proposals - NASA EPSCoR 2017 National Research Group Competition

Vermont’s NASA EPSCoR Program anticipates that a solicitation from the National Program at NASA Headquarters for a new 2017 NASA EPSCoR Faculty Research Group Competition will be announced sometime late in the Fall of 2016. Historically, NASA EPSCoR has made awards of $750,000 for a three-year period of performance to the selected research teams, including a 50% match (1-to-2) consisting of local non-Federal funds.
As in past years, it will be necessary to select the a single project ahead of time so as to be prepared once the formal announcement of the 2017 Competition is posted. This local selection of projects will be made on the basis of peer-reviewed pre-proposals. Vermont faculty researchers wishing to be considered as Science PI’s for inclusion in this competition must submit a pre-proposal for their proposed team research project to the VT-NASA EPSCoR Office no later than 11:59PM on Tuesday, November 1. New to this competition this year is the submission of a “notice of intent” for the project. This component will allow the Vermont NASA EPSCoR Office lead time in arranging appropriate peer reviewers for the evaluation process. The NOI will be due by 11:59PM on Monday, October 3.
Complete details, along with instructions for the notice of intent and the pre-proposal preparation and submission, can be found at:

Although a formal RFP has not yet appeared from NASA, I am also attaching a copy of the FY 2016 announcement to provide some initial guidance and information; the new announcement is unlikely to differ dramatically from this.
Any questions can be directed to Darren Hitt via email, or in person at the VTSGC/NASA EPSCoR Office in 120 Farrell Votey Hall (802.656.1429).