Lake Champlain Basin Program Local Implementation Grants

The Lake Champlain Basin Program has recently announced Local Implementation Grants, a limited competition program (see the description at ) with a deadline date of December 15, 2016 for two grant categories: Pollution Prevention & Wildlife Habitat Conservation Grants and; Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention Grants. The University may submit a single application in each one of the two categories.
If you are interested in submitting an application to this grant program, please forward a letter of interest (LOI) to Hilda Alajajian ( The LOI should be no longer than 2 pages and include the name of the grant category under which you would like to apply, a description of the proposed project and a brief statement about why you deem the proposal to be competitive. LOIs will be evaluated on merit, feasibility, tangible products or measurable benefits and on how well your proposal aligns with the purpose of the relevant grant category described in the grant guidelines document. The deadline for submitting letters of interest to the Sponsored Project Administration office is no later than 5:00 pm on November 2, 2016.
If there are more interested applicants than the number allowed, a selection will be made shortly thereafter.
Please direct questions concerning this announcement to or Hilda Alajajian.