Vermont EPSCoR
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  VT EPSCoR Updates
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From the Director

Dear Colleagues,

Please welcome Dr. Clelia Marti, who has officially joined Vermont EPSCoR and the University of Vermont as a Research Assistant Professor with the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.

  • Kevin Andrew Presents BREE Work at UVM CS Student Research Day
  • Adoption of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Likely to Increase After Floods

  • CWDD Attends Women Can Do! Action Expo
  • BioBlitz at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park
  • BREE Interns Visit Site of the Flood Resilient Lovett Park
  • VT EPSCoR CWDD Participates in Centennial Field STEAM Night

  • Congratulations to the VT EPSCoR SBIR/STTR Travel Award Winners
  • Congratulations to the VT EPSCoR Pilot Award Winners
  • Congratulations to the VT EPSCoR SBIR/STTR Phase (0) Award Winners

  • Mechanisms of Abrupt Extreme Precipitation Change Over the Northeastern United States
  • From the household to watershed: A cross-scale analysis of residential intention to adopt green stormwater infrastructure
  • Minimal East Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat onto land during the past eight million years

  • Fall 2018 Policy and Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) Meeting
  • Invitation to Submit Entries for the NSF Idea Machine Competition Due: 2018-10-26
  • NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 FEC (Focused EPSCoR Collaborations) - Letter of Intent: Due: 2018-11-26
  • For UVM Non-Tenured Faculty - Track 4: Call for Pre-Proposals: NSF EPSCoR FY 2019 Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-4 Due: 2019-01-16
  • For Non-UVM Institutions and Organizations: RII Track-4 EPSCoR Research Fellows RFP Call for Proposals Due: 2019-03-12
    Declan McCabe (Co-PI) Awarded NSF Grant of Nearly $1M for STEM-Data Training and Scholarships
    Dr. Declan McCabe, BREE Researcher, VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development and Diversity (CWDD) and Chair of Biology at Saint Michael’s College, is Co-Principle Investigator of the largest scholarship grant received in the history of the College from the National Science Foundation (NSF).  Dr. Jo Ellis-Monaghan, is the lead principal investigator and other key members are Drs. Greta Pangborn, Bret Findley, Mark Lubkowitz and Michael Larsen. 
    Clelia Marti Joins Vermont EPSCoR Team
    Clelia Marti, PhD has officially joined Vermont EPSCoR and the University of Vermont as a Research Assistant Professor with the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. She is currently contributing to the development of a fully 3D coupled physical and biogeochemical model of Lake Champlain as part of the Vermont EPSCoR Basin Resilience to Extreme Events (BREE) project.
    Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux Wins 2018 AWG Professional Excellence Award
    Vermont EPSCoR member Dr. Lesley-Ann Dupigny-Giroux, Professor of Geography at the University of Vermont, was recognized for her professional achievements by the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG), which selected her as the winner of the 2018 AWG Professional Excellence Award in the Academia/Research category. The award is designed to recognize exceptional women who have made distinguished contributions in their professions during their careers.
    Climate Change Impacting Bay
    ST. ALBANS – The St. Albans Area Watershed Association (SAAWA)  annual meeting featured updates from several environment- and water-related projects in their namesake watershed. The headlining presentation was from University of Vermont Associate Professor Andrew Schroth, a geologist studying algal blooms in St. Albans and Missisquoi Bays with a small array of VT EPSCoR research buoys.
    Rick Stumpf Presents Seminar to BREE Researchers
    Dr. Rick Stumpf from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Center for Coastal Ocean Science presented a seminar and then met with interested BREE researchers on September 17, 2018. The title of his seminar was "Satellites and Cyanobacteria Monitoring in Lake Erie and Elsewhere."
    Dr. Stumpf is one of the world's foremost experts on satellite monitoring of cyanobacteria blooms.  He has played a major role in developing the bloom forecasting systems for Lake Erie and elsewhere around the country. The seminar and subsequent interactions between BREE researchers and Dr. Stumpf could further collaboration with the Lake Champlain and Lake Erie systems.
    Kevin Andrew Wins Travel Grant to Attend Supercomputing Center Summer Workshop
    Vermont EPSCoR GRA Kevin Andrew attended the San Diego Supercomputing Center at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) from August 6-10, 2018 for their Summer Institute Workshop. Kevin was able to attend because of a student travel grant he received through the program, which covered the majority of costs, including room and board on UCSD's campus for the week of the workshop.
    The workshop introduced researchers in both academic and industry fields to the usage, programming, and optimization of software for supercomputers, high performance computers (HPCs) and devices enabled for use with a graphics processing unit (GPU).
    Kristen Underwood Presents PhD Dissertation
    Kristen Underwood, a GRA with the RACC project, delivered her PhD dissertation on Friday, August 24, 2018. The title of the dissertation was "Smart Classification and Bayesian Inference for Evaluating River Sensitivity to Natural and Human Disturbances: A Data Science Approach."
    VT EPSCoR members Donna Rizzo and Mandar Dewoolkar served as co-advisors during Underwood's PhD studies. The abstract for her defense can be found below.
    $25,000 Awarded to Local Vermont Students Majoring in STEM
    On Wednesday August 1, 2018, Vermont EPSCoR awarded Native American and First Generation Scholarships to undergraduate students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) during a ceremony held in the Senate Chambers at the Vermont State House in Montpelier, VT. Five awards were made to meritorious students from Burlington, Newport, Addison and Bellows Falls. The students are seeking degrees in Engineering , Integrated Biological Sciences and Medical Laboratory Sciences from Norwich University, Vermont Technical College and the University of Vermont.