2019 Symposium Posters

Samantha Christopher
University of Vermont
Municipal Behavior Towards Water Quality in Relation to Presence of Impaired Waters
Nicole Davila
Universidad Ana G. Mendez
Evaluating the Visual Classificatino of Suspended Sediment - Discharge Hysteresis via Crowd-sourcing and In-stream Monitoring
Elizabeth Lugo-Berrios, Griselle Perez-Diaz & Diana Gonzalez
Pablo Colon Berdecia High School
Water quality analysis of Quebrada Helechal and Pinonas River in Barranquitas, Peurto Rico using physicochemical parameters and aquatic macroinvertebrates
Sarah Eustis
Saint Michael's College
A Comparison of Habitat Assessment and Total Suspended Solids Between Agricultural, Urban, and Forested Streams
Alexandra Cole
Northern Arizona University
The Determining Factors Behind Clean Water Grants by Vermont State Agencies
Noelle Lyon, Adrienne Noyes & Bryan Hirschman
Essex High School
Changes in PH Levels Over Time
Mikayla Haefele
Middlebury College
Forest Land Use Activities and Fragmentation as the Threat to Northeastern Forest Cover and Water Quality
Stephanie Herbert
Hunter College
An Analysis of Land Composition and Stormwater Runoff in Stevens Brook, St. Albans City
Melanie Ard, Sabrina Marte, Coral Tapia & Shannon Morey
Abbott Lawrence Academy
Camparison of Urban Streams in Massachusetts and Vermont
Pamela Garcia Irizarry
University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus
Events on Soil Properties in an Agricultural Site
Olivia Rooney, Lisa Uwiduhaye & Sharon Boardman
Rice Memorial High School
A Comparison of Stream Discharge Data in Four Chittenden County Streams
Yaniris Figueroa, Ariana Landrau & Yiria Muniz
Academia Maria Reina
Changes in the water quality and macroinvertebrate population before and after hurricane Maria
Colin Myrick
Saint Michael's College
Effects of Action Replay Buffer Size on BMP Adoption Following Extreme Rainfall Events
Frances de Jesus Iglesias
Universidad Ana G. Mendez
The Efficacy of Green Stormwater Infrastructure on the Removal of Total Suspended Solids in Stevens Brook, St. Albans Bay Basin, VT
Jean Espinal, Carlos Reyes, Simonai Santiago & Kaitlin Dinet
Abbott Lawrence Academy
Quality of Stream Health Assessments
Nichole Ortiz Jimenez
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus
A comparison of Soil Moisture between ERA5 and an in-situ Soil Moisture sensor in Vermont
Ashley Rodriguez Torres, Marivelisse Velazquez Pena & Glenda Almodovar Morales
Specialty School Of fine Arts Ernesto Ramos Antonini
A comparison of Macroinvertebrates in Yauco River, Puerto Rico (2016 vs 2018)
Stephanie Martinez, Smarlyn Rodriguez & Oluwanifemi Mabayoje
East Boston High School
How do Water Quality Parameters Differ between the Urban Areas of Massachusetts and Vermont
Peter Hyams, Alyssas Provost & Michelle Pinaud
Champlain Valley Union High School
How changes in land use affect total suspended solids and flow
Kelsey Coates
Duquesne University
Groundwater nutrient export in a forested riparian area
Mariana C. Delpin Sosa & Fredrick Sherenco
Universidad Ana G. Mendez No. 1399 & Norwich University
Understanding the timing and intensity of cyanobacteria blooms in St. Albans Bay and Missisquoi Bay
Cooper Pinaud, Nicole Wright & Katy Abbott
Mount Mansfield Union High School
The Impact of Land Use on Phosphorus and Nitrogen Levels
Heally Gonzalez Lopez, Lesly Portillo & Kristen Cacciatore
East Boston High School
Comparing Horn Pond and Mystic River Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels
Elias Davis, Bridget Hamel & Thomas Lane
Bellows Free Academy Fairfax
A relationship Between Macrobenthic Inverterbrate Communities and Total Suspended Solids in 2nd Level Tributaries to Lake Champlain
Lishka Pagan Delgado
Universidad Ana G. Mendez Recinto de Gurabo
Comparing Total Suspended Solids During Baseline and Storm Events in an Urban Watershed
Arthur Langford, Zachary Lee, Langston Quail & Hope Soucy
Long Trail School
A Study of the Influence of Current Velocity and Substrate Positionality on Macroinvertebrate Communities in a Riffle Stream Habitat
Dan Reid
University of Vermont
Comparing the ERA5 FLake Model to in-situ Observations on Lake Champlain