Vermont EPSCoR
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Call for VT EPSCoR RII Track-1 Letters of Intent & White Papers - Due June 3, 2019 and July 15, 2019 respectively

Subject:      Vermont EPSCoR RII Track 1 Call for
Letters of Intent
(due June 3, 2019) and
White Papers (due July 15, 2019)
Date:May 8, 2019
From:John Evans, Ph.D.
President, Vermont Technology Council

As announced at the Informational Meeting held on April 29, 2019 and in multiple announcements beginning in early April, we are seeking White Papers to determine the research theme for the next NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 proposal. Vermont is eligible to submit a new proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-1 (RII Track-1) in July 2020[1]. NSF limits EPSCoR-eligible states to a single RII Track-1 proposal submission.
The proposed research theme must be of national importance and have the best potential to improve Vermont's future research and development competitiveness. Proposed research topics must have these features:
  • Alignment with priorities in the 2019 Vermont Science and Technology Plan
  • Alignment with current scientific and engineering grand challenges, either NSF's Big Research Ideas[2] or NSF-relevant grand challenges put forth by other agencies or entities
  • Topics funded by NSF's regular programmatic and cross-cutting areas; and
  • Leverage the strengths of Vermont's research institution
The proposed research program is the centerpiece of the RII Track-1 project. The focal point of an RII Track-1 proposal is hypothesis- and/or problem-driven research that requires a comprehensive and integrative approach to a grand challenge in a scientific area of regional or jurisdictional importance and relevance. The intellectual merit and broader impacts of the proposed activities are expected to provide the rationale for the requested infrastructure investments that, in turn, enhance the overall research capacity and competitiveness of the jurisdiction.
RII Track-1 projects are unique in their jurisdiction-wide scope and complexity. They integrate researchers, institutions, and organizations and play a role in developing the diverse, well-prepared, STEM-enabled workforce necessary to sustain research competitiveness and catalyze economic development.

Call for Letters of Intent (LOI) – Due June 3, 2019 midnight

Interested parties should submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by June 3, 2019 via email to
Please include the following:
  • Draft title of the project
  • Name, department, and institution(s) of people involved
  • Abstract of the project (one-page maximum) that describes the work in sufficient detail to determine relevance to the NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 program
  • Suggested reviewers to include or exclude
Letters of Intent are required for consideration in White Paper competition. Individuals, or teams, in addition to self-organized groups, are encouraged to submit a LOI even if they are not associated with a more defined team or group organized around a proposed research theme. Individuals should indicate a general research theme that they could potentially align themselves with and contribute to.
LOIs will help identify potential teams and aid in selection of potential qualified reviewers.
Call for White Papers – Due July 15, 2019 midnight

Interested parties are invited to submit a white paper on key research topics that might be applicable to an NSF EPSCoR RII Track 1 project. (Note that the Track 1 is required to address a comprehensive, integrated, trans-disciplinary statewide focus that creates a substantial academic research infrastructure & involves participants from colleges & universities throughout the state. It is not designed for individual, single institution, or small group faculty research.) The research must be of importance to the state and nation and have an economic impact on the state and region.
In order to be competitive, your white paper must convey:
  • Intellectual merit, broader impacts, and research hypotheses/questions
  • Alignment with State Science and Technology (S+T) Plan
Also, your white paper should convey:
  • Alignment with current scientific and engineering grand challenges, either NSF's Big Research Ideas or NSF-relevant grand challenges put forth by other agencies or entities
  • Topics funded by NSF's regular programmatic and cross-cutting areas
  • Leverage the strengths of Vermont research institutions
Also desirable (if possible):
  • Alignment with NSF's Big Process Ideas
  • Mid-scale Research Infrastructure
  • NSF 2026
  • Growing Convergence Research
REQUIRED FOR EVERY RII TRACK-1 GRANT: Alignment with Vermont State S+T plan. Identified Research Areas in 2019 VT S+T Plan include:
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Computing/Big Data/AI
S+T Plan for Vermont can be found at: (lower left corner)
Basis for white paper review:
  1. Intellectual merit (e.g. what has the best chance for NSF funding)
  2. Alignment with the State S+T plan (NSF will scrutinize)
  3. Other elements (outreach, education, etc.) do NOT factor into white paper review, so do not include them
White Paper contents – 5 pages maximum length (not including cover page, references and bio sketches): Due July 15, 2019

Please submit via email to
  • Cover Page (1 page) list title, team members and abstract
5 pages maximum for the following:
  • Clear vision and goals
  • Potential impact
  • Scope and research
  • Separate statements of:
    • Intellectual merit
    • Broader impacts
  • Alignment with Vermont S&T Plan
  • How the proposed research advances Vermont's competitiveness in the area
  • Bonus: Description of what a “Center of Excellence” in proposed research area would look like at end of 5 year award period and how funded
Additional materials:
  • References (no page limit)
  • Bio sketches of key/senior personnel (NSF Style, 2 pages each maximum)
  • Suggested reviewers to include or exclude
Strategies to think about as you work on your white paper
  • EPSCoR dollars are catalytic, not foundational.
  • The award is not the goal. The award is the means to achieve the goal.
  • Collaboration and teamwork are critical.
  • The current NSF EPSCoR director, Dr. Loretta Moore, is a big proponent of the I-Corps program and INCLUDES
Recommendations for White Papers:
  • Problem has national, state importance
  • Hypothesis-driven
  • Representation from across Vermont institutions
  • Has an NSF focus
  • Is able to result in a sustainable center that will live beyond the award period
  • Has an economic impact
  • Is the right project for Vermont
An external panel of experts convened by an independent organization will review submitted white papers using NSF-based review criteria and methods. Based on the recommendations of the review panel, the Vermont State Committee will approve the white paper that will be invited for full proposal development.
To see more about the investments and progress of the current Track-1 program, please go to the Vermont EPSCoR website:

Anticipated Timeline
Informational MeetingApril 29, 2019
Call for White PapersMay 8, 2019
Letters of Intent DueJune 3, 2019
White Papers dueJuly 15, 2019
External review completedSeptember, 2019
White paper team selectedOctober, 2019
Full proposal development beginsNovember, 2019
Solicitation released by NSFearly May 2020*
Proposal due to NSFmid-July 2020*
Notification of AwardsSpring 2021
Awards madeSummer 2021

[1] Based on FY18 dates
     This is desirable, but not required. There are 6 research priorities.
* Based on FY18 dates
Please contact Dr. Bomblies or me for any additional information.
John Evans, Ph.D.
Vermont Technology Council
Dr. Bomblies' contact information:
Arne Bomblies, Ph.D., P.E.
VT State EPSCoR Director and Project Director
(802) 656-2215