Vermont EPSCoR
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EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII Track-2 FEC) – Letter of Intent Due to NSF December 18, 2020


Dear Colleagues:


The NSF EPSCoR solicitation for the RII Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations competition for FY20 is now available and can be found at the following link.


Call for Pre-proposals for the NSF EPSCoR FY 2021 RII Track-2 FEC (Focused EPSCoR Collaborations)    


There will be two informational webinars for those interested in applying for this program:


•             The first is on Monday, November 2nd at 3pm EST.  Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 630 3479

Passcode: 873689


•             The second will be on Wednesday, November 4th at 1pm EST Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 160 166 6236

Passcode: 595891


Required Letter of Intent: December 18, 2020

Full Proposal: January 25, 2021

One proposal per institution is permitted.


Please work with your institution or non-profit organization if you wish to apply unless you are a UVM faculty member.

The selection of proposals from UVM faculty members will be determined by a selection process announced in a separate message.


Program  Summary  below: 


The National Science Foundation Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) is soliciting proposals for the 2021 Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track- 2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII Track-2 FEC).


All proposals must promote collaborations among researchers in EPSCoR jurisdictions and emphasize the recruitment/development of diverse early career faculty and STEM education and workforce  development on the single topic: “ Advancing research towards Industries of the Future to ensure economic growth for EPSCoR jurisdictions ”.  Each proposal must have a collaborator from an institution in a different RII-eligible EPSCoR jurisdiction as Co-PI. The second institution will be issued a subcontract. The number of submissions per state is unlimited but there can be only one per institution. An investigator cannot be PI or co-PI on more than one proposal. Please note that you may be a Co-PI on a proposal with a PI from another EPSCoR eligible state, but you are not allowed to be PI or co-PI on more than one proposal; it’s either one or the other.


Questions regarding the RII Track-2 FEC solicitation may be directed to


John-David Swanson, telephone: (703) 292-2898, email: