Vermont EPSCoR
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Turning Stones: Exploring Aquatic Invertebrates with Declan McCabe

Declan McCabe, PhDOn October 21, 2020, the VT EPSCoR CWDD partnered with the North Branch Nature Center to host a virtual macroinvertebrate event “Turning Stones: Exploring Aquatic Invertebrates” led by Declan McCabe. Six educators that the CWDD has never worked with before were in attendance for this event, as were two former VT EPSCoR High School Streams Teams members! New teachers/educators that were in attendance: Alana Phinney (homeschool 4th grade), Richard Littauer (7th grade Latin), Allison Waring (10th grade Biology at Montpelier High School), Becky Proulx (K-6), Anna Church (pre-school at Spring Hill School), and Chuck Goller (Trout in the Classroom).