CWDD Presents at the Northeast Natural History Conference 2021


Declan McCabe, PhD presents at the Northeast Natural History Conference.

Vermont EPSCoR's CWDD program presented to attendees at the Northeast Natural History Conference on April 16, 2021. Declan McCabe, PhD moderated the conference's Citizen Science Oral Presentation Session. During that session, CWDD Operations Manager Janel Roberge presented on the Vermont EPSCoR High School Research Program and the success the CWDD has had training citizen scientists to collect viable data that can then be added to the Streams Database. This talk saw the highest number of participants during the session.
The 2021 Northeast Natural History Conference was hosted by the Eagle Hill Institute of Steuben, Maine and held virtually in conjunction with the Wilson Ornithological Society's Annual Meeting and the Association of Field Ornithologists' Annual Meeting. To learn more about the meeting, please visit
To learn more about the CWDD High School Research Program, please visit ?node=5687.