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RII Track-4 NSF EPSCoR Research Fellows RFP Call for Proposals


Dear Colleagues,


The FY 2022 RII Track-4 solicitation is expected to be released soon.  Please disseminate widely. 

-          Applicants from all institutions outside UVM should contact their individual Sponsored Projects Offices for guidance on internal submission processes


Please refer to last year's RFP for detailed information.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-4:EPSCoR Research Fellows

Document Number: NSF 21-557


  • Please note, the solicitation was revised to include RII Track-4:FAST, a new pilot program in collaboration with NASA EPSCoR. Please see solicitation text for more details.
  • A link to the webinar recording and office hours to address any questions will be posted soon on the website.
  • EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows provides awards to build research capacity in institutions and transform the career trajectories of investigators and to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation's premier private, governmental, or academic research centers.
  • Principal Investigators must either hold a non-tenured faculty appointment at an institution of higher education or an early-career, career-track appointment at an eligible non-degree-granting institution.



Who May Serve as PI:

Eligibility for all tracks fall within three categories:

  1. Persons who hold non-tenured faculty positions at institutions of higher education, or early career investigator positions at non-degree-granting organizations may participate in RII Track-4:NSF. For this category of applicants, it is anticipated that proposals will be submitted by PIs who hold tenure-track appointments but have not yet had a change in status as tenured faculty by the proposal deadline date.
  2. Faculty members at degree-granting institutions who hold long-term positions outside of the tenure track are also explicitly eligible for consideration, regardless of their position title or rank.
  3. Proposals will also be accepted from employees of eligible non-degree-granting organizations who, as of the proposal deadline date, hold an early-career career-track position that includes a significant independent research component.

Additional eligibility restrictions are as follows:

  • Persons who hold transitional fixed-term postdoctoral appointments are not eligible to apply, even if their organizations classify such appointments as 'faculty' for administrative purposes.
  • In all cases, the required Letter of Support from the PI's supervisory administrator should verify the PI's eligibility relative to these criteria. Questions regarding PI eligibility should be directed toward the cognizant Program Officers listed below.
  • Only single-PI proposals will be considered. No co-PIs should be included on the proposal.
  • PIs who have received an award in a previous RII Track-4:NSF competition may not submit a proposal under this solicitation.

Eligibility for RII Track-4:FAST

  • To access NASA facilities for the fellowship, the PI and potential trainee must show proof of United States Citizenship as part of an on-boarding process that is managed by NASA. This requirement only applies to RII Track-4:FAST fellowship awardees. Proof of citizenship should not be submitted as part of proposal submissions to NSF.

Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization:

For RII Track-4:NSF: 3

Only three proposals may be submitted in response to this solicitation by any single organization in a RII-eligible jurisdiction. If more than three proposals are received from any single institution for the competition, all proposals from that institution are subject to return without review.

For RII Track-4:FAST: 6

Only six proposals may be submitted in response to this solicitation by any single organization in a RII-eligible jurisdiction. If more than six proposals are received from any single institution for the competition, all proposals from that institution are subject to return without review.

Limit on Number of Proposals per PI or Co-PI: 1

An investigator may serve as PI on only one proposal submitted in response to this solicitation.



Cognizant Program Officer(s):

Please note that the following information is current at the time of publishing. See program website for any updates to the points of contact.