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USGS Water Center National Grants and PFAS RFPs; apply through VT Water Center

Dear Colleagues,
The US Geological Survey, in collaboration with the National Institutes for Water Resources, has issued two new calls for proposals: 1) National Competitive Grants (104g) program and 2) Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Competitive Grants. For both, proposals are due April 26, 2022 to the Vermont Water Center.
National Competitive Grants 104g
This call is for research on improving and enhancing the nation's water supply and availability and promoting the exploration of new ideas that address or expand our understanding of water problems, including the following priorities:
  • Abundance, location, and persistence of legacy nutrients: What are the mechanisms that facilitate accumulation and persistence? Where in the landscape are they stored and what does that mean for the potential to enter or move through the hydrologic system?
  • Trends of integrated processes: How do changes in one aspect of water quality and availability affect other long-term aspects?
  • Water conflict: What are the risks of water conflict as a result of inter-basin transfers driven by water-use behavior, socioeconomic conditions, changing land-use patterns, and climate variability?

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Substances Competitive Grants

The challenges and opportunities of understanding the impact of per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) substances on resources are poorly understood, despite the real and growing impact of this group of human-made substances on water quality. Research is needed to better understand these interactions and guide management decisions that will improve water resources at the regional or national scale. Proposals are sought on the following specific areas of inquiry:
  • Novel proxies for PFAS detection and quantification
  • Process-oriented research of PFAS fate, transport, and effects
  • Atmospheric transport of PFAS that results in delivery to the hydrologic system

Details for Applicants

Proposals may be for up to $250,000 for one to three years of work, and they require one-to-one matching with non-federal funds. Proposals involving substantial collaboration between the USGS and university scientists are encouraged. Any investigator at an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States is eligible to apply, but must apply to a Water Research Institute or Center established under the provisions of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, as amended, including the University of Vermont.
Proposals for both RFPs are due by April 26, 2022 to the Vermont Water Center. Please let Julianna White know if you intend to apply and direct all communications to her at for more information.
Please find application details on the Vermont Water Center website. And please share with your networks.