Vermont EPSCoR
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Call for Pre-Proposals--NASA EPSCoR FY23 National Research Group Competition

Dear Colleagues,
Vermont's NASA EPSCoR program anticipates that a solicitation from the National Program at NASA Headquarters for a new FY23 NASA EPSCoR Research Announcement will be released sometime in August or September 2022. Historically, NASA EPSCoR Research Group awards have been in the amount $750,000 for a three-year period of performance, with cost-sharing required at a level of at least 50% of the requested NASA funds.
As in past years, it will be necessary to select a single project ahead of time so as to be prepared once the formal announcement of the FY23 competition is released. This local selection will be made on the basis of peer-reviewed preproposals. Vermont faculty researchers wishing to be considered as Science PIs for inclusion in this competition must submit a notice of intent (NOI) followed by a pre-proposal for their research project. The NOI will allow the Vermont NASA EPSCoR Office lead time in arranging appropriate peer reviewers for the evaluation process. Complete details, along with instructions for NOI and pre-proposal preparation and submission, are provided in the attached document.
Due Dates
NOI: Monday May 16, 2022 at 11:59 PM
Pre-proposal: Tuesday July 5, 2022 at 11:59 PM
Please feel free to circulate this call for pre-proposals to anyone who might be interested. Let me know if you have any questions.
Chip Cole
Call for pre-proposals
Cover page