Vermont EPSCoR
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EPSCoR RII Track-2 Solicitation Webinar and Office Hours

Dear Colleagues,
NSF EPSCoR will be conducting a webinar covering the new RII Track-2 Solicitation (NSF 22-633) on December 7th at 3pm (EST), and Office Hours will be held on December 14 & 15 at 3pm (EST). Links to each session are below, and no registration is required.
This year, the RII Track-2 FEC proposals must be aligned with the following focus area: "Advancing climate change research and resilience capacity to expand opportunities for disproportionately affected communities." During the webinar NSF Program Officers will be available to answer questions about this solicitation as well as provide a program overview. In addition, the NSF EPSCoR is coordinating office hours to answer any questions or concerns that you might have about the solicitation.
Please share this information broadly.
The details are as follows:
Topic: EPSCoR Track-2 New Solicitation Webinar
Dec 7, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join ZoomGov Meeting:
Meeting ID: 160 502 2051
Passcode: 320941
Topic: Track-2 Solicitation Office Hours
Dec 14, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join ZoomGov Meeting:
Meeting ID: 160 177 0274
Passcode: 867535
Topic: Track-2 Solicitation Office Hours
Dec 15, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join ZoomGov Meeting:
Meeting ID: 160 824 4294
Passcode: 767453