Vermont EPSCoR
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Alda Communicating Science Workshop Jan. 11 & 12, 2023
Registration Open


Dear Colleagues,


VT EPSCoR is offering a remote/online Alan Alda Communicating Science Workshop on January 11 & 12, 2023.  There are 20 (total) available slots for this 2-session workshop.  This is open to all faculty, postdoctoral associates and graduate students interested in attending.  Please feel free to share this with any who may be interested.  The registration deadline is December 12, 2022.  Workshop fees will be covered by VT EPSCoR so there are no costs for attendees.  Those interested are encouraged to register early as space is limited and capped at 20.   




The workshop will include a 3 hour general workshop on Alda Communicating Science "Essentials" followed by a next day 3 hour "coaching" session in smaller groups.  Registrants must be able to attend both days.  More information will be forthcoming for registrants.   

The workshop dates and times are:


WED., January 11 (20 slots total)

10:00AM – 1:00PM


THURS. January 12 (same above registrants, 2nd day, 20 slots total; two-groups of 10 each)

10:00AM – 1:00PM


The Essentials Online (WED.)

The Essentials Online offers an exploration of effective and engaging science communication, and gives participants opportunities to experiment and practice.


Small-Group Coaching (THURS.)

Participants will revisit the Alda Center's JAM Tool, which helps to identify, create, and refine a message.


Thank you!



Assistant Director, VT EPSCoR (she/her)

Project Administrator

Communications Director

Marsh Life Science Building

University of Vermont

Burlington, VT  05405

p. 802-656-7969