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Global Centers Funding Opportunity

Dear Colleagues -
There is an exciting new program that may be of particular interest to many EPSCoR participants. Please find the relevant information below and feel free to forward within your respective communities.
Global Centers (GC): Use-Inspired Research Addressing Global Challenges in Climate Change and Clean Energy (NSF 23-557)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is inviting proposal submissions for Global Centers, an NSF-led initiative implemented in partnership with international funders. Global Centers will encourage and support large-scale collaborative research on use-inspired themes in climate change and clean energy. This new program will fund research centers that maximize the benefits of international, interdisciplinary collaborations.
In this inaugural Global Centers competition, the program has two tracks. Track 1: Global Center Implementation: Research Partnerships with Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, aims to implement the first Global Centers. NSF anticipates funding up to $5 million total per Track 1 award of 4-to-5-year duration. Foreign teams on successful Track 1 proposals will be funded by their respective country agencies. Track 2: Community-driven Global-Center Design awards will provide seed funding, up to $250,000 total per award of 2-year duration, for U.S.-based researchers wishing to coordinate efforts to design a Global Center for the next competition. Track 2 proposals may involve partnership with researchers and stakeholders from any country globally.  
Full proposals for both tracks are due by May 10, 2023. The complete Global Centers program solicitation is available here: Global Centers (GC) | NSF - National Science Foundation.  We have Virtual Office Hours scheduled every week prior to the deadline where you can come ask questions of Program Officers, see the website for dates and times. If you cannot make the VOH you can email us at: