Veronica Sosa-Gonzalez
Coordinator of the VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development & Diversity
University of Vermont
Dr. Sosa-Gonzalez first came to VT as a summer intern for EPSCoR in 2009, and she has been involved with EPSCoR in different capacities since. Most recently, Veronica served as an Outreach Professional for VT EPSCoR, where she assisted summer interns and mentors to ensure students’ wellbeing and success. Dr. Sosa-Gonzalez traveled extensively in this position to help with diversity outreach recruitment at various institutions both locally and around the country including attending SACNAS – The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science- an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) national meetings.