Funding Opportunities
  Job Openings

From the Director

Judith Van Houten, PhD.

Dear Colleague,

It is with great enthusiasm that we share the following funding opportunities and positions offered through Vermont EPSCoR in this Funding Updates issue of our e-newsletter.  Please distribute broadly.  


  • Ph.D. Research Opportunity in Watershed Science: Regional Watershed Optical Sensor Network
  • Post-Doc: Integrated Assessment Modeling Vermont EPSCoR Program, University of Vermont

  • Jan 9, 2014:
    DOE Energy Frontiers Research Centers
  • Feb 7, 2014:
    RACC Undergraduate Summer Internships
  • Feb 21, 2014:
    NEWRnet Undergraduate Research Internships
  • Mar 14, 2014:
    VT Space Grant Consortium: Graduate Research Assistantships for AY2014-2015
  • Mar 24, 2014:
    VT EPSCoR CWDD High School Program
  • Mar 24, 2014:
    VT EPSCoR CWDD Leaves of Green Workshop
  • April 1, 2014:
    VT EPSCoR CWDD Undergraduate Scholarship Program
  • April 23, 2014:
    Pilot Project Awards
  • May 1, 2014:
    SBIR Phase(0)
  • Rolling Deadline:
    Use of Facilities Grant Applications
    SBIR Phase (0) Awards
    Vermont EPSCoR provides the opportunity  for Vermont small businesses to compete for grants to foster research and development projects which will lead to application to federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs.  The main goal of the Vermont ESPCoR Phase (0) solicitation is to identify proposals that show promise for success in federal SBIR competitions and that would benefit from financial support and reviewer comments.
    Use of Facilities
    Vermont EPSCoR provides the opportunity for Vermont small businesses to compete for grants to use facilities at the University of Vermont (UVM) to collect the data necessary for the submission of Phase (I) and Phase (II) federal grants.   There must be a federal SBIR program to which the work is eventually targeted.  Vermont EPSCoR's intent is to identify those SBIR ideas that need additional data for applications at the Phase (I) and Phase (II) level.   
    Pilot Project Awards
    Vermont EPSCoR requests proposals for pilot projects that are aligned with the VT EPSCoR research on adaptation to climate change in the Lake Champlain Basin with insights through complex systems computation (RACC).  We especially welcome proposals from faculty outside UVM. These awards are for innovation; and to move research forward. 
    NEWRnet Undergraduate Research Internships
    Are you interested in learning more about protecting our water resources, and getting good information to decision-makers? The North East Water Resources Network has opportunities for undergraduate students to carry out research for 10 weeks during the summer – in our Vermont, Rhode Island and Delaware research locations.
    RACC Undergraduate Summer Internships
    The Undergraduate Internship Program offers students the opportunity to participate in current research conducted through the Research on Adaptation to Climate Change (RACC) program. Undergraduates selected to participate in the RACC program will be matched with a research team of faculty and graduate students working on the transdisciplinary RACC research program. In April, students give an oral presentation or poster presentation of their research results. As part of this program, students do full-time research for 10 weeks with a faculty member in one of the following areas:
    CWDD Undergraduate Scholarship Program
    The VT EPSCoR Center for Workforce Development and Diversity (CWDD) works to cultivate and prepare a diverse science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) workforce in Vermont by inspiring students to enter STEM careers. As part of our work we are pleased to award $5,000 scholarships to Native American (including Abenaki) and First Generation college students who enter STEM majors at a Vermont college or university.  Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic standing, letters of recommendation, and an essay detailing career goals. 
    RACC High School Program
    High Schools!  Participate in the Research on Adaptation to Climate Change Project
    The High School Program offers students and teachers the opportunity to participate in current research.  Through involvement in the Research on Adaptation to Climate Change (RACC) research program, participants develop skills in scientific methods and Earth systems thinking and experience what it is like to be a scientist.
    Leaves of Green Workshop
    The Leaves of Green workshop is an opportunity for high school teachers and students to explore how carbon is assimilated and partitioned by plants and how these processes affect agriculture, global climate change, and biofuel production.
    DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs)
    The Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES), is seeking new and renewal applications for Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) to conduct fundamental research focused on one or more "grand challenges" and use-inspired "basic research needs" identified in major strategic planning efforts by BES and the scientific community. 
    VT Space Grant Consortium: Graduate Research Assistantships
    The Vermont Space Grant Consortium (VTSGC) is pleased to announce a competition for Graduate Research Assistantships for a twelve-month period consisting of the 2014-2015 Academic Year and the Summer of 2015. This competition is open to graduate students enrolled in M.S. and Ph.D. students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
    Middle Level Teachers
    Are you interested in connecting with a new transdisciplinary research program? A team of researchers statewide is investigating adaptation to climate change in the Lake Champlain Basin and integrating the interactions of climate, environment, and society.