Forum to Advance Science and Policy Recommendations on Lake Champlain Water Quality

A forum to advance science and policy recommendations on Lake Champlain water quality was held on May 8th, 2019 at the St. Michael's College Dion Event Center.
  • To build foundations for transboundary water quality management
  • To clarify existing science and policy initiatives in both countries
  • To identify gaps in science, data, and policy across transboundary borders and consider opportunities for partnerships among science communities
  • To review and further develop policy and management recommendations to inform the study report
Delia Clark, Arne Bomblies & Christopher Koliba, Workshop welcome and introductions.
Pierre Leduc, State of Missisquoi Bay
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Eric Howe, Missisquoi Bay
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Pierre Yves Caux, Overview
Jory Hecht, Will cyanobacteria bloom go away if we meet the total phosphorus TMDL in Missisquoi Bay?
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Andrew Schroth, Understanding and Modeling Internal Loading of Phosphorus in Missisquoi Bay
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Liz Doran, Opportunities for Collaboration & Data Sharing
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Frederic Chouinard & Martin Mimeault, Research and Policy in the Missisquoi Bay Basin
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Ellen Kujawa, Nutrient loading and impacts in Lake Champlain, Missisquoi Bay, and the Richelieu River
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Alain Rousseau, A Global Scan of How the Issue of Nutrient Loading & HABs is Being Addressed
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Pierre Leduc, Recommendations
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Ellen Kujawa, Recommendations
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