Vermont EPSCoR
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Call for Proposals--NASA EPSCoR 2022 Rapid Response Research (R3) grants


Dear Colleagues,

The Vermont NASA EPSCoR Program recently received a solicitation from NASA for 2022 NASA EPSCoR Rapid Response Research (R3) proposals. The R3 is a collaborative effort between EPSCoR and the NASA Mission Directorates. The goals of R3 are to provide a streamlined method to address research issues important to NASA and to enable EPSCoR researchers to work directly with NASA to solve research issues impacting the Agency's programs/missions.  The maximum NASA funding is $100,000 per proposal, with a period of performance of one year.  No cost sharing is required.


Vermont NASA EPSCoR is permitted to submit a maximum of one application for each collaborating NASA office.  Therefore, we are asking interested investigators to submit a brief Notice of Interest (NOI) to Vermont NASA EPSCoR.  Complete details and instructions are provided in the Call for Proposals and NOI template.  The official NASA solicitation can be found here.


Due Dates
NOI: Monday, January 17, 2022 at 11:59 PM
NASA proposal: Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Please feel free to circulate this call for proposals to anyone who might be interested.

Chip Cole
Bernard F. Cole, PhD
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Director, Vermont Space Grant Consortium
University of Vermont
Tel: 802-656-0054