Vermont EPSCoR
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Call for Proposals--NASA EPSCoR 2023 Rapid Response Research (R3) grants


Vermont Space Grant & NASA EPSCoR                                                                               Bernard F. Cole, Ph.D

Mansfield House                                                                                                                     Director, VT NASA EPSCoR

25 Colchester Avenue                                                                                                            Phone 802-656-0054

Burlington, VT 05405                                                                                                             Email:


NASA EPSCoR 2023 Rapid Response Research – Call for proposals

NOI deadline: Monday, October 17, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Vermont NASA EPSCoR recently received a solicitation from NASA for 2023 NASA EPSCoR Rapid Response Research (R3) proposals. The R3 is a collaborative effort between EPSCoR and the NASA Mission Directorates. The goals of R3 are to provide a streamlined method to address specific research issues important to NASA and to enable EPSCoR researchers to work with NASA to solve research issues impacting the Agency's programs/missions. Through this program, each funded NASA EPSCoR researcher will work closely with a NASA researcher to focus on developing competitive research and technology for the solution of scientific and technical issues of importance to the NASA Mission Directorates as listed in Section 7 of the NASA notice of funding opportunity (announcement number NNH23ZHA002C available on NSPIRES or here).

The scientific/technical section of the R3 proposal is 2–3 pages. The maximum funding that a jurisdiction can request from NASA is $100,000 per proposal, with a period of performance of one year. The solicitation states that up to 30 awards will be funded nationally under this program. There is no limitation on the number of proposals that Vermont NASA EPSCoR can submit.  Cost-sharing is not required.

The deadline for proposal submission to NASA is December 15, 2022.  In order to have adequate lead time to prepare the grant applications, it is necessary to identify in advance the project(s) that Vermont will propose to this competition. For that purpose, we are asking interested investigators to prepare a brief Notice of Interest (NOI) for submission to the Vermont NASA EPSCoR Office.

Eligibility: All projects must be led by a Science Investigator who is a faculty member at a Vermont college or university. Full proposals must be submitted to NASA through the University of Vermont Office of Sponsored Projects, with the Vermont NASA EPSCoR Director as managing Principle Investigator.  When applicable, support for other institutions will be provided via sub-awards.

Notice of Interest: A brief notice of interest (NOI) is required to submit a proposal under this solicitation. The NOI is due by 11:59 PM on Monday, October 17, 2022. Please use this NOI template. The completed NOI should be submitted by e-mail to the VT NASA EPSCoR office at

NASA Partner: Partnership with a NASA researcher is required for the full proposal.  Thus, investigators are encouraged to seek appropriate NASA partners as soon as possible; however, a commitment from a NASA researcher is not required for the NOI.

For further information, please contact the VT NASA EPSCoR Office by e-mail ( or telephone (802-656-0054).