RACC Seminar: Dr. Ilan Kelman, University College London - Resilience and Climate Change

RACC Seminar: Dr. Ilan Kelman, University College London - Resilience and Climate Change

The first RACC seminar of the semester was held on Monday, October 13th at 23 Mansfield Ave. Our guest speaker was Dr. Ilan Kelman, University College London. His talked was titled: "Resilience and Climate Change".

The video of Dr. Kelman's presentation
Dr. Ilan Kelman http://www.ilankelman.org is a Reader in Risk, Resilience and Global Health at University College London, England. His overall research interest is linking disasters and health, including the integration of climate change into disaster research and health research. His research integrates three main areas: (i) disaster diplomacy and health diplomacy http://www.disasterdiplomacy.org ; (ii) island sustainability involving safe and healthy communities in isolated locationshttp://www.islandvulnerability.org ; and (iii) risk education for health and disasters http://www.riskred.org