RACC Postdoc Ahmed Abdeen Hamed wins Runner-up for Best Paper Award at 2014 AICCSA

A Paper entitled "Mining Patterns in Big Data K-H Networks" written by RACC Postdoc Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Xindong Wu and Tamer Fandy won the Runner-up for Best Paper Award at the 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2014) in Doha, Qatar on November 10th, 2014.

The paper presents a novel network model, called K-H Networks (short for Keyword-Hashtag Networks), which is designed for Big Data social media environments (e.g., Twitter). The networks are mined using a novel algorithm, which we call HashnetMiner, also presented in the paper. The algorithm mines the networks for patterns for the purpose of exposing links and discoveries. The K-H Networks were tested on contents from sentiments, drugs, cars and healthcare industry. Currently, Dr. Hamed is exploring climate change and water quality related keywords/hashtags in Vermont's twitter data using the K-H Networks and HashnetMiner.