How to Prepare Neuroanatomical Image Data

TitleHow to Prepare Neuroanatomical Image Data
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsO'Connor, N, Tappan, SJ, Glaser, JR
EditorGerfen, CR, Holmes, A, Sibley, D, Skolnick, P, Wray, S
Book TitleCurrent Protocols in Neuroscience
Pagination1.21.1 - 1.21.14
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CityHoboken, NJ, USA

As image data from a single neuroanatomical study can easily exceed tens of gigabytes, managing, analyzing, and presenting it is not trivial. Careful planning along multiple axes is required and includes the following: (1) Organizational methods developed for images should allow for easy and efficient access, selection, and potential reorganization of images. (2) Experimental information and other metadata should be readily available and accompany image data. (3) Even if a study's entire body of image data is made available, highlighting key results and preparing figures requires selecting image regions and resolutions, creating annotations, and adhering to publishing and community guidelines for image adjustments. Further, it may be necessary to assess Internet accessibility and infrastructure issues and to consider image formats appropriate for Web publishing. Finally, a strategy for robust, long-term, and efficient storage of image data should be developed. This unit provides a guide for preparing neuroanatomical image data.

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