Patrick Clemins Attends Campus Research Computing Consortium at SuperComputing 2019

Patrick Clemins, PhD, VT EPSCoR Manager of Cyberinfrastructure and Partnerships, attended SuperComputing 2019 (SC19), the world's premier conference on SuperComputing and High Performance Computing, in Denver, Colorado from November 17-22, 2019. While at the meeting, he participated in the Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC), a gathering of research computing groups from across the United States that serves to bring the community together to share best practices. The Emerging Centers Track consisted of smaller research computing groups, including those at the Universty of Vermont (UVM) and other R2 and smaller R1 institutions. This provided Dr. Clemins an opportunity to learn from similar institutions while also sharing best practices currently in place within Vermont EPSCoR systems.

Patrick Clemins, PhD and Jim Lawson from UVM Enterprise and Technology Services at the CaRCC Emerging Centers meeting (Back right of photo)