Four NEWRnet interns are working in Vermont on projects that will help understand the impact of climate variability on water quality and decision-making that influences water pollution.
Arkia Wynn and Noah El-Naboulsi are working in the Social-Ecological Gaming and Simulation (SEGS) Lab at UVM, which is a transdisciplinary research lab focused on modeling and simulating Social-Ecological Systems (SESs). These interns are designing interactive games and bringing in subjects to the lab-space to play the games, generate data, and then they will assimilate the data using SES modeling.
Kristen McCarthy and Harrison Miller are working to monitor the sensor network and taking grab water samples for nitrate, dissolved organic matter, phosphorus, and other nutrients to calibrate the in-situ sensors. The goal is to better understand how landscape changes in Vermont affect the nutrient loads into Lake Champlain.