September 20, 2018
For UVM Non-tenured faculty
Call for Pre-Proposals: NSF EPSCoR FY 2019 Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (RII Track-4)
The National Science Foundation Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) has announced the following funding opportunity: Research Infrastructure Improvement Track-4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (RII Tack-4). Only three RII Track-4 proposals may be submitted in response to this solicitation by any single organization in a RII-eligible jurisdiction.
- RII Track-4 provides opportunities for non-tenured investigators to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation’s premier private, governmental, or academic research centers.
- There is a limit of three proposals from each submitting organization.
- PIs must be Non-tenured faculty members (both those who hold tenure-track appointments but have not yet received tenure, and those who hold long-term non-tenure-track positions). Postdoctoral appointments are not eligible.
- Proposals may focus on any area of science or engineering that NSF supports.
- Host sites for fellowship projects must be located within the United States, its territories, or possessions and should be outside their EPSCoR jurisdiction.
- Support Letters will be required for those proposals selected to move forward (at least one letter of support from each of: the PI’s Dept. Chair or Dean; the Research Collaborator/s at the host site and; the host institution).
This announcement is to allow you as much time as possible for preparation for the pre-proposal process. The FY 2018 solicitation is still in effect for the 2019. The eligibility list will be updated as needed, but that will not affect Vermont.
We ask that you submit a 3-page pre-proposal by 4 pm on January 16, 2019 via that addresses:
- A project description and a statement about how the fellowship collaboration will benefit the PI career trajectory and their home institution and/or their EPSCoR jurisdiction.
- The name of the host site and proposed collaborator/s
- A Letter of Support from the PI’s Chair or Dean confirming support of the project and that release time will be provided (may be outside the 3-page limit)
- CV of the PI (may be outside of the 3-page limit)