Posters - 2013 Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium
- Megan Anderson - Middlebury College
The Effects of Substrate Size on Periphyton Composition and Abundance in the New Haven River
- Sarah Bodell, Seth Mason and Jeff Robins - Harwood Union High School
The Effect of Land Use on Stream Water Phosphorus Concentrations in the Lake Champlain Watershed
- Patrick Bousquet - Saint Michael’s College
The Effects of Urbanization on Sediment Size and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities
- Andrea Brendalen - University of Vermont
Haleigh Marshall - Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Nonpoint Phosphorus Pollution from Groundwater in Georgia, Vermont
- Burnham, Anne - Saint Michael’s College
Detecting Duckweed Mediated Trophic Cascades Using Standard Effect Size
- Burridge, Sarah, Rachel Emerson and Carl Hildebrandt - Oxbow Union High School
We’re Not in Kansas Anymore…
- Andrew Chambers, Jacqueline Nuzzo and Don McDowell - Stowe High School
The Effect of Elevation on Phosphorus Levels in Soil and Water in the Winooski, Lake Champlain and Missisquoi River Basins
- Hannah Choiniere, Rebecca Cross and Maria Dezotell - Missisquoi Valley Union High School
The Impact of Superstorm Sandy on Water Quality in Vermont
- Eunice Chun - Middlebury College
Problem Definition in Lake Champlain
- Allison Compagna - Johnson State College
Riparian Zones and Phosphorous Concentrations of Nineteen Tributary Sites in the Lamoille River Watershed, Vermont
- John Dawkins - Johnson State College
Phosphorus Levels in Streams in Agricultural Areas with Nutrient Management Plans
- Denir Djozic, Andrew Pike, Grace Yasewicz and Kara Lenorovitz - Colchester High School
How Do Streams with Different Riparian Land Uses Vary in Their Response to Precipitation Events as Measured by Phosphorus Levels?
- Nate Dooley, Isaac Longley, Trevor McNaney, Brooke Phillips and Lynn Fosher - Milton High School
The Effect of Stream Disturbance on Total Phosphorus in Rural Agricultural Streams Compared to Mountain Streams
- Nicholas Dragone - Middlebury College
Colonization of Leaf Pack Microhabitats by Macroinvertebrates in the New Haven River
- Courtney Dyche - University of Vermont
Changes in Total Soil Phosphorus from Field to Stream Bank in the Missisquoi Watershed
- Ashely Fortin - Lyndon State College
Brittany McCarthy - Johnson State College
A Comparative Study of Local Climates in Vermont
- Kristen Friedel - Green Mountain College
Lake Champlain Water Quality: Missing Links
- Levi Gardell, Emily Pomichter, and Tom Lane - Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax
Storm Effects: The Correlation of Storm Duration and Intensity to Phosphate Levels in the Upper Missisquoi River
- Justin Healy, Emily Millar and Gregory Hennemuth - Lake Region Union High School
Comparative Study of Riparian Zone Impact on Burgess Branch Macroinvertebrate Communities
- Adam Heckle - Community College of Vermont
Data Analysis: Comparison of Macroinvertebrate Species Richness between Urban and Forested Streams
- Carolyn Herkenham - University of Vermont
A Quality Control Assessment of ISCO Portable Samplers within the Winooski Watershed
- Nora Hill, Aiden Villani-Holland and Peter Goff - Vermont Commons School
A System Dynamics Approach to Modeling Reach-Level Indices of Stream Quality
- Frances Iannucci - University of Vermont
Impact of Diet Differentiation on the Fatty Acid Composition of White Perch
- Lindsay Jordan and Elizabeth Olliver - University of Vermont
Stream Channel Migration of the Mad River
- Philip Lavoie, Emerson Prager and Sharon Boardman - Rice Memorial High School
Monitoring Water Quality of Potash Brook: A Four Year Perspective
- Andrea Mejia - Universidad Metropolitana
Changes in Soil Test Phosphorus from Field to Stream Bank in the Missisquoi Watershed
- Abigail Murphy - Johnson State College
Connection between Total Suspended Solids and Amount of E. coli Bacteria in the Lamoille River Tributaries, Vermont
- Kiernan Nicholls and Sheila Tymon - Peoples Academy
The Effect of Climate Change on Point Bar Formation as a Function of Increased Suspended Solids, Secondary Flow Sediment and/or Erosion from the Opposite Bank
- Jared Peick - Saint Michael’s College
A Manipulative Study on the Effects of Sediment on Macroinvertebrate Communities
- Hannah Rickner - University of Vermont
The Macroinvertebrate Population of Missisquoi Bay and the Potential Impact on Nutrient Fluctuation
- Lorianny Rivera-Mendoza - University of Puerto Rico
Changes in Soil Inorganic Nitrogen from Field to Stream Bank in the Missisquoi Watershed
- Gabriela Rosario, Nattalia Rosario and Frank Torres Velez - University Gardens High School
The Effect of Precipitation on Macroinvertebrate Abundance of Two Streams in San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Elizabeth Rutila - University of Vermont
Seasonal Changes in the Phosphorus Composition of Missisquoi Bay Sediments
- Melissa Shapiro - University of Vermont
Lake Champlain Basin Focusing Events and Media Coverage
- Bronson Shonk - University of Vermont
New England Heavy Precipitation
- Anna Tadio - University of Vermont
Actors Affecting Water Quality in Lake Champlain