Posters - 2016 Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium
High School Team Posters
- Sydney Adams, Kyle Dash, Jeff Robins, Harwood Union High School
Baseline Stream Flow and Temperature Data for Lozelle and Dowsville Brooks and Proposed Stormwater Improvements for Harwood Union High School
PDF - Silvana Alfieri, Heather MacEwen, Erin Warren, Conrad Rice, Charter School of Wilmington
Does RestoraTIon Improve the Substrate and Habitat for Macro Invertebrate Insect Life in Pike Creek?
PDF - Isabelle Angstman, Kathy Joseph, Nicole Gorman, Champlain Valley Union High School
The Effect of River Substrate on Stonecat Habitat
PDF - Erika Barth, Alex von Stange, Michelle Pinaud, Champlain Valley Union High School
The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Stonecat Habitat
PDF - Dylan Clark-Boucher, Matt Davis, Kate James, Bryan Hirschman, Essex High School
Comparison of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Levels within Indian Brook
PDF - Julyanice Cruz, Camelia Iturregui, Yiria Muniz, Jose E Aponte de la Torre School
Macroinvertebrates in Urban Streams
PDF - Corey Davis, Emily Lucie, Tony Wang, Scott Worland, Todd Smith, Long Trail School
Correlational Analysis of Macroinvertebrate Communities and Watershed Catchment Characteristics
PDF - Ricardo Feliciano, Amanda Rosario, F. Marcel Torres-Alcala, Colegio Rosa-bell
Comparative Study of Water Quality Levels Before and After Drought of Two Streams in San Juan, PR
PDF - Hannah Giesing, Eliza Goodell, Richard Rosten, Carl Hildebrandt, Oxbow High School
Can't Take the Heat, Get Out of the Stream
PDF - Collin Gould, Abby Hinsley, Rachel Sanders, Rivendell Academy
Comparison of Soil Parameters in Various Land Use Paradigms
PDF - Natalie Herwood, Mackenzie Matckie, Don McDowell, Stowe High School
The Impact of In-stream Water Temperature Variability Upon Larval Ephemeroptera Population Density in Two Vermont Streams
PDF - Alison McCostis, Kaylee Russell, Madeline Zeif, David Spero, Burr & Burton Academy
Surveying Student Attitudes and Knowledge About Climate Change
- Luisa Mejia, Laura Osorio, Kristen Cacciatore, Shannon Morey, East Boston High School
Water Quality
PDF - Keisha Mestey-Rivera, Kristofer Santa-Archilla, Elliot Lopez-Machado, Juan Ponce De Leon High School
Stream Characterization of the Limón River in Puerto Rico during 2015 Drought
PDF - Jean Paul Ortiz, Shanick Pagan, Rosaliz Rodriquez, Jose E Aponte de la Torre School
Effects of a Drought on the Macroinvertebrate Population
PDF - Jasmyn Rogers, Gabrielle Williams, Meghan Wilson, Hartford High School
The Effect of Carbon on the Soil Content at Hartford High School, VT
Undergraduate Intern Posters
- Nasser Abdel-Fatah, Johnson State College
Detailed Analysis of Climate Trends in the Northern Tier of Vermont from 2000-2014
PDF - Danya AbdelHameid, College of William and Mary
Soil Moisture and Nitrogen Removal Dynamics within a Bioretention Basin
PDF - Alex Adamski, University of Vermont
Mad River Stream Order and Particle Size Correlations
PDF - Laura Bashor, Middlebury College
Sediment Particle Size in Lake Champlain Inlets
PDF - Emily Berry, Colby College
Phytoplankton Communities affect Seston Fatty Acids in Vermont's Waters
PDF Video
- Kateri Bisceglio, Johnson State College
Occurrence of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus during Storm Events in the Lamoille River Basin
PDF - Hannah Boudreau, University of Vermont
Phosphorus Movement in Lake Champlain Tributaries
PDF - Erin Buckley, Saint Michael's College
Microbial Phosphorus Levels in Soils under Different Land Use in the Missisquoi Watershed
PDF - Brynn Cairns, Johnson State College
Suspended Solids and Phosphorus in the Lamoille River Basin
PDF - Chelsea Cole, Johnson State College
Sources of Escherichia coli in the Lamoille River Basin
- Lindsay Cotnoir, University of Vermont
Efficiency of UVM Bioretention Cells in Reducing Peak Flow Rates and Total Suspended Solids with Increased Precipitation
PDF - Monica Dorsey, University of Connecticut
An Analysis of Media Framing of Water Quality Legislation
PDF - Noah El-Naboulsi, Saint Michael's College
Decision-Making Processes in Relation to Fertilizer Use, Revenue, and Vegetative Buffer Installation
PDF - Nicolas Gomez-Andujar, University of Puerto Rico
A Socio-Economic Lens on Identification of Critical Source Areas in the Rock River, Vermont
PDF - Alayna Hauke, University of Rochester
Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling in Missisquoi Bay
PDF - Brendan Hennessey, University of Vermont
A State-Scale Investigation of Statistical Relationships between Lake Water Quality and Multiple Lake Watershed Characteristics
PDF - Kaylee Jackson, Saint Michael's College
Comparing Total Suspended Solids, Rainfall, and Land Use
PDF - Alia Johnson, Middlebury College
Examining Relationships Between Meteorological and Algal Bloom Data on Lake Champlain
PDF - Erica Kamerzel, Saint Michael's College
Tactical Basin Planning: Governance Networks in the Winooski River Sub-Basin
PDF - Roy Karros, Johnson State College
A Comparison between Species Richness of Macroinvertebrates in Rural and Urban Streams in Chittenden County, Vermont
PDF - Amanda Keilty, Johnson State College
Interstitial Soil Escherichia coli in the Environment
PDF - Joshua Klavens, Green Mountain Collge
Weather Estimator Validation Using a Perkins Score
PDF - Hannah Klein, University of Vermont
Effects of Antecedent Moisture on Bioretenton Cell Mitgaton of Storm Water Peak Flow
PDF - Meagan Leduc, Lyndon State College
Metal and Phosphorus Behavior during Ice and Non-ice Covered Periods in Missisquoi Bay, VT
PDF - Montana Lofthouse, Castleton University
Photochemical Changes of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Vermont Watersheds and Leaf Litter Extractions
- Celia McChesney, Texas A&M University
The Effects of Meteorological Variables and Algal Bloom Occurrence in the Missisquoi Bay Region
PDF - Alex Morton, University of Vermont
Mapping Land Use and Phosphorus Production within Tributaries of the Missisquoi Watershed
PDF - Marissa Ng, University of Vermont
The Effect of Soil Conditions on Tip Dieback and Subsequent Nutrient Loss
PDF - Jakob O'Neal, Landmark College
Possible Correlations between Water Quality, Habitat Quality, and Macroinvertebrate Taxa
PDF - Jacob Page, Community College of Vermont
Weather Estimator Sensitivity Analysis
PDF - Sephorah Pierre, Saint Michael's College
Differences in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Urban and Forested Streams
PDF - Solomon Raskin, Community College of Vermont
Agricultural Management Impacts Greenhouse Gas Emissions
PDF - Jelissa Reynoso, University of Puerto Rico
Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids Removal by Bioretention Systems
PDF - Molly Sargent, University of Vermont
Shear Strength Analysis on Bank Soil of The Mad River
PDF - Melissa Segall, Lyndon State College
Large Precipitation Events in Northern Vermont Compared to Global Temperature Anomalies and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
PDF - Nathalie Simoes, Texas A&M University
Estimating Phosphorus Loading to the Mad River from Surrounding Tributaries
PDF - Ethan Strayer, Middlebury College
The Spatial Variability of Soil Redox Conditions and Total Phosphorous in a Central Vermont Wetland
- Zachary Walker, University of Vermont
Enzyme Activity: A New Link to GHG Emissions? A Comparison of Gas Emissions to Enzyme Activity from Agricultural Fields at Shelburne Farms
PDF - Mariah Witas, Saint Michael's College
Comparing Nitrogen Levels and Land Use in Streams within the Lake Champlain Basin