Posters - 2016 Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium



High School Team Posters

  • Sydney Adams, Kyle Dash, Jeff Robins, Harwood Union High School
    Baseline Stream Flow and Temperature Data for Lozelle and Dowsville Brooks and Proposed Stormwater Improvements for Harwood Union High School
  • Silvana Alfieri, Heather MacEwen, Erin Warren, Conrad Rice, Charter School of Wilmington
    Does RestoraTIon Improve the Substrate and Habitat for Macro Invertebrate Insect Life in Pike Creek?
  • Isabelle Angstman, Kathy Joseph, Nicole Gorman, Champlain Valley Union High School
    The Effect of River Substrate on Stonecat Habitat
  • Erika Barth, Alex von Stange, Michelle Pinaud, Champlain Valley Union High School
    The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen on Stonecat Habitat
  • Dylan Clark-Boucher, Matt Davis, Kate James, Bryan Hirschman, Essex High School
    Comparison of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Levels within Indian Brook
  • Julyanice Cruz, Camelia Iturregui, Yiria Muniz, Jose E Aponte de la Torre School
    Macroinvertebrates in Urban Streams
  • Corey Davis, Emily Lucie, Tony Wang, Scott Worland, Todd Smith, Long Trail School
    Correlational Analysis of Macroinvertebrate Communities and Watershed Catchment Characteristics
  • Ricardo Feliciano, Amanda Rosario, F. Marcel Torres-Alcala, Colegio Rosa-bell
    Comparative Study of Water Quality Levels Before and After Drought of Two Streams in San Juan, PR
  • Hannah Giesing, Eliza Goodell, Richard Rosten, Carl Hildebrandt, Oxbow High School
    Can't Take the Heat, Get Out of the Stream
  • Collin Gould, Abby Hinsley, Rachel Sanders, Rivendell Academy
    Comparison of Soil Parameters in Various Land Use Paradigms
  • Natalie Herwood, Mackenzie Matckie, Don McDowell, Stowe High School
    The Impact of In-stream Water Temperature Variability Upon Larval Ephemeroptera Population Density in Two Vermont Streams
  • Alison McCostis, Kaylee Russell, Madeline Zeif, David Spero, Burr & Burton Academy
    Surveying Student Attitudes and Knowledge About Climate Change
  • Luisa Mejia, Laura Osorio, Kristen Cacciatore, Shannon Morey, East Boston High School
    Water Quality
  • Keisha Mestey-Rivera, Kristofer Santa-Archilla, Elliot Lopez-Machado, Juan Ponce De Leon High School
    Stream Characterization of the Limón River in Puerto Rico during 2015 Drought
  • Jean Paul Ortiz, Shanick Pagan, Rosaliz Rodriquez, Jose E Aponte de la Torre School
    Effects of a Drought on the Macroinvertebrate Population
  • Jasmyn Rogers, Gabrielle Williams, Meghan Wilson, Hartford High School
    The Effect of Carbon on the Soil Content at Hartford High School, VT


Undergraduate Intern Posters

  • Nasser Abdel-Fatah, Johnson State College
    Detailed Analysis of Climate Trends in the Northern Tier of Vermont from 2000-2014
  • Danya AbdelHameid, College of William and Mary
    Soil Moisture and Nitrogen Removal Dynamics within a Bioretention Basin
  • Alex Adamski, University of Vermont
    Mad River Stream Order and Particle Size Correlations
  • Laura Bashor, Middlebury College
    Sediment Particle Size in Lake Champlain Inlets
  • Emily Berry, Colby College
    Phytoplankton Communities affect Seston Fatty Acids in Vermont's Waters
  • Video
  • Kateri Bisceglio, Johnson State College
    Occurrence of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus during Storm Events in the Lamoille River Basin
  • Hannah Boudreau, University of Vermont
    Phosphorus Movement in Lake Champlain Tributaries
  • Erin Buckley, Saint Michael's College
    Microbial Phosphorus Levels in Soils under Different Land Use in the Missisquoi Watershed
  • Brynn Cairns, Johnson State College
    Suspended Solids and Phosphorus in the Lamoille River Basin
  • Chelsea Cole, Johnson State College
    Sources of Escherichia coli in the Lamoille River Basin
  • Lindsay Cotnoir, University of Vermont
    Efficiency of UVM Bioretention Cells in Reducing Peak Flow Rates and Total Suspended Solids with Increased Precipitation
  • Monica Dorsey, University of Connecticut
    An Analysis of Media Framing of Water Quality Legislation
  • Noah El-Naboulsi, Saint Michael's College
    Decision-Making Processes in Relation to Fertilizer Use, Revenue, and Vegetative Buffer Installation
  • Nicolas Gomez-Andujar, University of Puerto Rico
    A Socio-Economic Lens on Identification of Critical Source Areas in the Rock River, Vermont
  • Alayna Hauke, University of Rochester
    Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling in Missisquoi Bay
  • Brendan Hennessey, University of Vermont
    A State-Scale Investigation of Statistical Relationships between Lake Water Quality and Multiple Lake Watershed Characteristics
  • Kaylee Jackson, Saint Michael's College
    Comparing Total Suspended Solids, Rainfall, and Land Use
  • Alia Johnson, Middlebury College
    Examining Relationships Between Meteorological and Algal Bloom Data on Lake Champlain
  • Erica Kamerzel, Saint Michael's College
    Tactical Basin Planning: Governance Networks in the Winooski River Sub-Basin
  • Roy Karros, Johnson State College
    A Comparison between Species Richness of Macroinvertebrates in Rural and Urban Streams in Chittenden County, Vermont
  • Amanda Keilty, Johnson State College
    Interstitial Soil Escherichia coli in the Environment
  • Joshua Klavens, Green Mountain Collge
    Weather Estimator Validation Using a Perkins Score
  • Hannah Klein, University of Vermont
    Effects of Antecedent Moisture on Bioretenton Cell Mitgaton of Storm Water Peak Flow
  • Meagan Leduc, Lyndon State College
    Metal and Phosphorus Behavior during Ice and Non-ice Covered Periods in Missisquoi Bay, VT
  • Montana Lofthouse, Castleton University
    Photochemical Changes of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Vermont Watersheds and Leaf Litter Extractions
  • Celia McChesney, Texas A&M University
    The Effects of Meteorological Variables and Algal Bloom Occurrence in the Missisquoi Bay Region
  • Alex Morton, University of Vermont
    Mapping Land Use and Phosphorus Production within Tributaries of the Missisquoi Watershed
  • Marissa Ng, University of Vermont
    The Effect of Soil Conditions on Tip Dieback and Subsequent Nutrient Loss
  • Jakob O'Neal, Landmark College
    Possible Correlations between Water Quality, Habitat Quality, and Macroinvertebrate Taxa
  • Jacob Page, Community College of Vermont
    Weather Estimator Sensitivity Analysis
  • Sephorah Pierre, Saint Michael's College
    Differences in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Urban and Forested Streams
  • Solomon Raskin, Community College of Vermont
    Agricultural Management Impacts Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Jelissa Reynoso, University of Puerto Rico
    Total Phosphorus and Total Suspended Solids Removal by Bioretention Systems
  • Molly Sargent, University of Vermont
    Shear Strength Analysis on Bank Soil of The Mad River
  • Melissa Segall, Lyndon State College
    Large Precipitation Events in Northern Vermont Compared to Global Temperature Anomalies and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
  • Nathalie Simoes, Texas A&M University
    Estimating Phosphorus Loading to the Mad River from Surrounding Tributaries
  • Ethan Strayer, Middlebury College
    The Spatial Variability of Soil Redox Conditions and Total Phosphorous in a Central Vermont Wetland
  • Zachary Walker, University of Vermont
    Enzyme Activity: A New Link to GHG Emissions? A Comparison of Gas Emissions to Enzyme Activity from Agricultural Fields at Shelburne Farms
  • Mariah Witas, Saint Michael's College
    Comparing Nitrogen Levels and Land Use in Streams within the Lake Champlain Basin
