Posters - 2015 Vermont EPSCoR Student Research Symposium
- Nasser Abdel-Fatah - Johnson State College
Detailed Analysis of Climate Trends Form the Northern Tier of Vermont from 2000-2014
- Justin Barton - University of Vermont
Climate Change Adaption in Vermont: National Flood Insurance Program and FEH Zones
- Kateri Bisceglio - Johnson State College
Phosphorus Loading in Ten Tributaries of the Lamoille River Basin
- Elise Prehoda, Paul Nasca, & Sharon Boardman - Rice Memorial High School
E. coli Strains Inhabiting Interstitial Spaces of Soil Adjacent to Vermont Streams
- Ashley Breen - Castleton State College
Nutrient Dynamics and Photochemical Transformation in Tributaries of Lake Champlain, Vermont
- Sean Brennan - Saint Michael's College
The Quantification of Added Cohesion due to Vegetation in the Mad River Valley
- Lawrence Bronnvik - Community College of Vermont
Longitudinal Patterns in Water Quality at Shelburne Farms
- Nathan Callas - University of Vermont
Stream Bank Erosion in the Mad River Valley
- Chelsea Cole - Johnson State College
Escherichia coli Levels Based on Land Use Percentages
- Shad Emam - Vermont Technical College
Improve the ILUTABM Model to Have Better Land Use Prediction
- Amanda Fishbin - Middlebury College
Bathymetric Map of Missisquoi Bay
- Samantha Howell, Alicia Muir, & Lynn Fosher - Milton Senior High School
The Relationship Between Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels and Macroinvertebrates in Two Streams in Milton, Vermont
- Nora Enright, Annmarie Welch, & Lori Fretta - Otter Valley Union High School
A Comparison of Macroinvertebrate Species in Two Rutland County Streams, One Near an Outdoor Recreation Area
- Marissa Goodwin - University of Vermont
Quantifying Soil Carbon Dioxide Emissions for Conservation Tillage Practices in Agricultural Soils
- Titania Green - Green Mountain College
Impacts of Lake Champlain Water Quality on Vermont’s Economy, Ecology, and Society
- Jaclyn Guz - Texas A&M University
Investigation of TSS Concentration at a Variety of Flow Rates
- Amy Donahue, Wolveridge Langan, & Allison Havens - Rice Memorial High School
A Comparison of Water Quality: Allen Brook and Munroe Brook
- Shelby Rosten, Madison Smith, & Carl Hildebrandt - Oxbow Union High School
Vermont Macro Strong
- Grace Desrochers, Alexandria Simmons, & Kathy Hockman - St. Johnsbury Academy
Bringing Climate Change Awareness to the Community
- Thomas Bacher & Brockton Corbett, Ann Honan - Poultney High School, Castleton State College
Intrastream Variation in Water Temperature, Phosphorous, Nitrogen and Streambank Soil Quality in Wells, VT
- Jaleeza Johnson - Southern Vermont College
Storm Chasers: The Correlation Between Water Discharge, Suspended Solids and Nutrients During a Major Storm Event in the Winooski River, Essex Junction, VT
- Todd Lantery - Johnson State College
Lack of Antibiotic Resistance by Escherichia coli in Stream Waters of the Lamoille River Basin, VT
- Natalie Ledue - Saint Michael's College
Storm Chasers: The Correlation Between Water Discharge, Suspended Solids and Nutrients During a Major Storm Event in the Winooski River, Montpelier, VT
- Sarah Leidinger - University of Vermont
Geomorphic Characteristics and Strahler Order of Streams in the Mad River Watershed
- Andrew Pike, Madeline Powell, Hannah Rogers, & Kara Lenorovitz - Colchester High School
The Effectiveness of Rain Gardens in Treating Stormwater Runoff and Public Opinion of their Use
- Annanelya Levine - Community College of Vermont
Nitrate Removal by Bioretention Cells
- Jack Loomis - Saint Michael's College
Storm Chasers: The Correlation Between Water Discharge, Suspended Solids, and Nutrients During Storm Events in the Mad River
- Miranda Madrid - University Of Notre Dame
Phosphorus and Metals Flux in Missisquoi Bay Sediments
- Nasser Abdel-Fatah - Johnson State College
Detailed Analysis of Climate Trends Form the Northern Tier of Vermont from 2000-2014
- Rachel Markey - University of Vermont
Observed Phenology and Winter Injury of Seedlings within the Northern Forest Mesocosm (NFoRM) Climate Change Experiment
- Natalie Herwood, Annika Norden, & Donald McDowell - Stowe High School
A Comparison of Storm Events and Total Phosphorus Discharge in a High Elevation Forested Stream and a Low Elevation Agricultural Stream in Vermont
- Baxter Miatke - University of Vermont
Quantifying Nutrient Loadings during Spring Runoff in the Missisquoi River Basin
- Aramis Garay Cruz & Madison Moran - University of Puerto Rico & University of Vermont
Identifying Environmental Violation Patterns in Vermont
- Alexander Morton - University of Vermont
Modeling of Three Major Tributaries Within The Mad River: HEC-RAS versus the Proportional Area Method
- Henrique Rodriguez, Escuela Pa Los Duros; Hennessys Bas & Yiria Muniz - Jose E Aponte de la Torre
Potential of Macroalgae for the Removal of Aluminum Ion and Organic Pollutants from Natural Waters
- Némesis Ortiz - University of Puerto Rico
Monitoring Blue-Green Algae Dynamics and Water Quality in Two Eutrophic Water Systems
- Laura Orvis - Community College of Vermont
Microbial Source Tracking of E. coli and Land Use Data Correlations for the Lamoille River Basin, Vermont
- AaronRey Ebreo, Vineet Sood, & Conrad Rice - Charter School Of Wilmington
Has a Restored Pike Creek Improved the Habitat for Macroinvertebrate Insect Life?
- Sophia Minter, Emma Jean, & Jeff Robins - Harwood Union High School
Water Flow and Water Temperature in Lozelle and Dowsville Brooks and Mean Watershed Elevation and Land-Use Versus Mean August Stream Temperature
- Fabiola Fernández & Rosaliz Rodriguez, Eva Pagán - Jose E Aponte de la Torre, Academia Maria Reina
Macroinvertebrates: Comparing Habitats
- Anthony Hernández Vázquez, Radamés Revilla, & Nelson Ruiz - University Gardens High School
The Impact of Different Organic Fertilizers in the Proliferation of Blue Green Algae (Gloeocapsa)
- Christine Sandbach - University of Vermont
Resource Limitation and Early Warning Indicators of Phytoplankton Blooms
- Bárbara Fraval Santiago - Universidad Metropolitana
Resource Limitation and Early Warning Indicators of Phytoplankton Blooms
- Iliansherry Santiago - Universidad Metropolitana
Heavy Metals and Phosphorus Compounds Filtration of Stormwater Runoff Using Bioretention System at UVM Bioretention Laboratory
- Emma Shea & Michael Storace - University of Vermont
Act 250 and Water Quality in Vermont
- Ellen Taylor - Middlebury College
Sediment Movement, Characteristics, and Macroinvertebrate Distribution in Missisquoi Bay
- Jeremy Taylor - University of Vermont
High River Discharge Impacts on Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Missisquoi Bay
- Emily Whalen - University of Vermont
The Effects of Soil Warming and Freezing on Microbial Activity: Substrate-induced Respiration as a Measurement of Microbial Biomass