Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Xu Y, Schroth AW, Rizzo DM. Developing a 21st Century framework for lake-specific eutrophication assessment using quantile regression. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods [Internet]. 2015 ;13(5):237 - 249. Available from:
McDevitt MR, Hitt DL. Development and Characterization of a Monopropellant Microthruster with CubeSat Attitude Control Applications. In: 2015 Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference. 2015 Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference. Breckenridge, CO; 2015.
Winters C, Matz J, Inamdar S, Parr T, Vaughan M. Diel patterns of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate in streams: The influence of moisture conditions and watershed scale. In: 2015 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. 2015 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2015.
Wiltshire S, Logan K, Merrill S, Koliba C, Fooks J. Diffusion of Agricultural BMP Adoption: Lessons from a Peer Network Experiment. UVM Student Research Conference. 2015 .
Ellis AM, Myers SS, Ricketts TH. Do Pollinators Contribute to Nutritional Health? Huang S-Q. PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2015 ;10(1):e114805. Available from:
Schroth AW, Giles CD, Isles PDF, Xu Y, Perzan Z, Druschel GK. Dynamic Coupling of Iron, Manganese, and Phosphorus Behavior in Water and Sediment of Shallow Ice-Covered Eutrophic Lakes. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2015 ;49(16):9758 - 9767. Available from:
Isles PDF, Giles CD, Gearhart TA, Xu Y, Druschel GK, Schroth AW. Dynamic internal drivers of a historically severe cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Champlain revealed through comprehensive monitoring. J Great Lakes Research [Internet]. 2015 ;41(3):818-829. Available from:
Koliba C, Zia A. Educating Public Administrators and Policy Analysts in the Era of Policy and Governance Informatics. In: Policy Practice and Digital Science. Policy Practice and Digital Science. Springer; 2015. pp. 15-34. Available from:
Gearhart TA, Euclide PT, Kraft J, Stockwell JD. The effectiveness of mead acid as a biomarker for essential fatty acid deficiency in fish. In: IAGLR 2015. IAGLR 2015. Burlington, VT: International Association for Great Lakes Research; 2015. Available from:
Gearhart TA, Kraft J, Stockwell JD. Effects of Eutrophication on Food-Web Utilization through Fatty Acid Content. In: American Fisheries Society 145th Annual Meeting. American Fisheries Society 145th Annual Meeting. Portland, OR; 2015. Available from:
Euclide PT, Stockwell JD. Effects of gut content on δ15N, δ13C and C:N of the macroinvertebrate Mysis diluviana. Journal of Great Lakes Research [Internet]. 2015 ;41(3):926 - 929. Available from:
Stroup L, Kujawa R, Ayres J. Envisioning a Green Energy Future in Canada and the United States: Constructing a Sustainable Future in the Context of New Regionalisms?. American Review of Canadian Studies [Internet]. 2015 ;45(3):299 - 314. Available from:
Novak DC, Koliba C, Zia A, Tucker M. Evaluating the outcomes associated with an innovative change in a state-level transportation project prioritization process: A case study of Vermont. Transport Policy [Internet]. 2015 ;42:130 - 143. Available from:
Scheinert S, Zia A, Koliba C. Examining the Links between the Empirical and the Computational: Measuring Baseline Change in Empirical Governance Networks using Agent-Based Modeling. In: American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference. Chicago, IL; 2015. Available from:
Zia A, Tsai Y-S, Koliba C, Turnbull S. Experimental Simulations of Land-Use Land Cover Change (LULCC) Under Heterogeneous Policy Regimes: An Agent Based Model of Rural-Urban-Forest Interface in the Missisquoi Watershed of Lake Champlain Basin, 2000-2050. In: Conference on Complex Systems 2015. Conference on Complex Systems 2015. Tempe, AZ: Complex Systems Society; 2015. Available from:
McCabe DJ. Flat Stanley and the Centipede. Northern Woodlands [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Aburto-Oropeza O, Ezcurra E, Moxley J, Sánchez-Rodríguez A, Mascareñas-Osorio I, Sánchez-Ortiz C, Erisman B, Ricketts TH. A framework to assess the health of rocky reefs linking geomorphology, community assemblage, and fish biomass. Ecological Indicators [Internet]. 2015 ;52:353 - 361. Available from:
Scheinert S. Generating illicit networks: multi-level agent-based modeling and network formation rules among extremists. In: Illuminating Dark Networks: The Study of Clandestine Groups and Organizations. Illuminating Dark Networks: The Study of Clandestine Groups and Organizations. Cambridge University Press; 2015. Available from:
Druschel G, Kappler A. Geomicrobiology and Microbial Geochemistry. Elements [Internet]. 2015 ;11(6):389 - 394. Available from:
Hanley JP, Jackson E, Morrissey LA, Rizzo DM, Sprague BL, Sarkar IN, Carr FE. Geospatial and Temporal Analysis of Thyroid Cancer Incidence in a Rural Population. Thyroid [Internet]. 2015 ;25(7):812 - 822. Available from:
Koliba C, Zia A. Governance Informatics: Using computer simulation models to deepen situational awareness and governance design considerations. In: Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics. Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics. London, UK: Routledge; 2015. pp. 189-212. Available from:
Kulkarni T. Green stormwater infrastructure suitability for CSO communities in Montpelier, Vermont. In: World Environmental Water Resources Congress. World Environmental Water Resources Congress. Austin, TX; 2015. Available from:
Inamdar S, Vaughan M, Rowland R, Winters C, Addy K, Schroth AW, Gold A, Bowden WB, Vermilyea A, Parr T, et al. “Hot moments” of carbon and nitrogen in streams: Key insights from in-situ, high-frequency optical sensors from the North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet). In: 2015 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. 2015 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2015.
Lodh N, Rizzo DM, Kerans BL, McGinnis S, Fytilis N, Steffan-Dewenter I. If you've seen one worm, have you seen them all? Spatial, community, and genetic variability of tubificid communities in Montana. Freshwater Science [Internet]. 2015 ;34(3):909 - 917. Available from:
Anneville O, Lasne E, Guillard J, Eckmann R, Stockwell JD, Gillet C, Yule DL. Impact of Fishing and Stocking Practices on Coregonid Diversity. Food and Nutrition Sciences [Internet]. 2015 ;06(11):1045 - 1055. Available from:
