Vermont EPSCoR Publications and Products

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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Betts AK, Desjardins R, Worth D, Wang S, Li J. Coupling of winter climate transitions to snow and clouds over the Prairies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC];119(3):1118 - 1139. Available from:
Betts AK. The courage to challenge the status quo. Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Schmitz C, Eastwood BS, Tappan SJ, Glaser JR, Peterson DA, Hof PR. Current automated 3D cell detection methods are not a suitable replacement for manual stereologic cell counting. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy [Internet]. 2014 ;8. Available from:
Gearhart TA, Stockwell JD, Kraft J. Cyanobacteria Blooms shift food-web pathways in freshwater lakes?. In: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR; 2014. Available from:
Sierszen ME, Hrabik TR, Stockwell JD, Cotter AM, Hoffman JC, Yule DL. Depth gradients in food-web processes linking habitats in large lakes: Lake Superior as an exemplar ecosystem. Freshwater Biology [Internet]. 2014 ;59(10):2122 - 2136. Available from:
McCabe DJ, Vu CMT. Digital Coyote: Examining Geographical Variation Using a Virtual Museum Collection. In: 35th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). 35th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). University of Oregon; 2014. pp. 93-99.
Hamed AA, Wu X. Does Social Media Big Data Make the World Smaller? An Exploratory Analysis of Keyword-Hashtag Networks. In: 2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). 2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). Anchorage, AK, USA: IEEE; 2014. Available from:
Bowden WB, Peterson BJ, Deegan LA, Huryn AD, Benstead JP, Golden H, Kendrick M, Parker SM, Schuett E, Vallino J, et al. Ecology of streams of the Toolik region. In: Alaska's Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences for Tundra, Streams, and Lakes. Part of the Long-term Ecological Research Network research synthesis series. Alaska's Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences for Tundra, Streams, and Lakes. Part of the Long-term Ecological Research Network research synthesis series. New York: Oxford University Press; 2014. Available from:
Bryan K, Ricketts TH, Galford GL, Polasky S, O'Neil-Dunne J. Economic Valuation of Flood Mitigation Services. In: A Community on Ecosystem Services. A Community on Ecosystem Services. Washington, DC; 2014. Available from:
Galford GL, Ricketts TH, Bryan K, O'Neil-Dunne J, Polasky S. Economic valuation of flood mitigation services: A case study from the Otter Creek, VT. In: 2014 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. 2014 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Geophysical Union (AGU); 2014. Available from:
Bhagabati NK, Ricketts TH, Siswa Sulistyawan TB, Conte M, Ennaanay D, Hadian O, McKenzie E, Olwero N, Rosenthal A, Tallis H, et al. Ecosystem services reinforce Sumatran tiger conservation in land use plans. Biological Conservation [Internet]. 2014 ;169:147 - 156. Available from:
Park J. Education and Career Pathways for Sustainability in an Era of Disruptive Change, Part 1. Sustainability: The Journal of Record [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC];7(1):21 - 26. Available from:
Park J. Education and Career Pathways for Sustainability in an Era of Disruptive Change, Part 2. Sustainability: The Journal of Record [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC];7(2):86 - 89. Available from:
Gomez BW, Dewoolkar MM, Lens JE, Benda CC. Effects of Fines Content on Hydraulic Conductivity and Shear Strength of Granular Structural Backfill. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board [Internet]. 2014 ;2462:1 - 6. Available from:
Abbott BW, Larouche JR, Jones JB, Bowden WB, Balser AW. Elevated dissolved organic carbon biodegradability from thawing and collapsing permafrost. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences [Internet]. 2014 ;119(10):2049 - 2063. Available from:
Schroth AW, Crusius J, Hoyer IR, Campbell RW. Estuarine removal of glacial iron and implications for iron fluxes to the ocean. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2014 ;41(11):3951 - 3958. Available from:
Suozzo M, Dewoolkar MM. Evaluation of Strength and Hydraulic Testing Methods of Pervious Concrete. ACI Materials Journal. 2014 [cited 0BC];111(1).
Scheinert S, Comfort LK. Finding Resilient Networks: Measuring Resilience in Post-Extreme Event Reconstruction Missions. In: Disaster and Development. Disaster and Development. Springer; 2014. pp. 181-199. Available from:
Tsai Y-S, Zia A, Koliba C. Forest Transitions in An Agricultural Watershed? An Agent-Based Modelling Approach. Northeast Regional Climate Hub 2014. 2014 .
Zia A, Kauffman S, Koliba C, Beckage B, Vattay G, Bomblies A. From the Habit of Control to Institutional Enablement: Re-envisioning the Governance of Social-Ecological Systems from the Perspective of Complexity Sciences. Complexity, Governance & Networks [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Betts AK. Government secrecy impedes our understanding of climate change. Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times-Argus [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC]. Available from:
Stockwell JD, Yule DL, Hrabik TR, Sierszen ME, Isaac EJ. Habitat coupling in a large lake system: delivery of an energy subsidy by an offshore planktivore to the nearshore zone of Lake Superior. Freshwater Biology [Internet]. 2014 [cited 0BC];59(6):1197 - 1212. Available from:
Hamshaw SD, Rizzo DM, Underwood KL, Wemple B, Dewoolkar MM. High Frequency Turbidity Monitoring to Quantify Sediment Loading in the Mad River. 2014 NEAEB Conference. 2014 [cited 0BC].
O'Connor N, Tappan SJ, Glaser JR. How to Prepare Neuroanatomical Image Data. In: Gerfen CR, Holmes A, Sibley D, Skolnick P, Wray S Current Protocols in Neuroscience . Current Protocols in Neuroscience . Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 2014. pp. 1.21.1 - 1.21.14. Available from:
Redford KH, Myers SS, Ricketts TH, Osofsky SA. Human Health as a Judicious Conservation Opportunity. Conservation Biology [Internet]. 2014 ;28(3):627 - 629. Available from:
